Bitter Tongues (Part 4)

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"You're kidding."

"No, I'm serious!" Jimera said excitedly, "I'll be here for the rest of the year!"

Great. Now I got to deal with my brother while handling all the other drama. It's like God is putting everything in my life all at once, then proceeded to fast forward it to speed up the process.

"Isn't that great?" Mom added, "We can spend the holidays together as a family!"

If only. I have a feeling I won't be spending much time with either of them.

"Ma," Jimera said, "I got this nice cookbook that I wanted to try out. Is it possible I can borrow your kitchen?"

"Of course, ragazzo!" Mom lit up as she lead Jimera to the kitchen.

Merde. All of this is terrible. Couldn't this man wait just two more weeks? Maybe three?


I pulled out my phone to see the notification. It was from Zuri.

Dude, that Jeremiah guy is on the news

What the hell now?

"I was thinking we can try to make this tiramisù?" Jimera proposed in the kitchen, "I can buy whatever we need but I wanted to bake this."

"Of course, let me look at the ingredients," Mom encouraged.

Lord, I get that Jimera hasn't been back in a while; But you would think Mom wouldn't be so clingy. Oh well. I'm sure they'll be busy with whatever they're making.


Look at this, it's crazy

Zuri sent a link to a new article through text. I opened the internet link and was met with the frontline:

16-year-old boy disappeared alongside 6-year-old sister, father supposedly died of a heart attack.

Within the article it listed "Jeremiah Hanes" as the sixteen year old . The article also explain that Jeremiah's dad is believed to have died of a heart attack, with his body left to rot over the last two days.

I guess the lord isn't done adding more problems to my plate.

That's depressing

The whole kidnapping is all speculation. It doesn't say if this was a stranger who did all of this.

I texted to Zuri.

Did Jeremiah kill his dad and kidnap his sister? Is he willing to do all of that? I know that the guy isn't the nicest person around, but would he really do that?

Ding. Ding

I know

I have a feeling Jeremiah did it somehow. He probably slipped something in his dad's drink and made him get a heart attack

Zuri responded.

I got that same feeling honestly. But I have no clue on what to do first. Should I handle Tate and help Hendrix? Or should I track down Jeremiah and see what's going on? And even then, I have to figure all of this out without my mom and Jimera knowing. This is getting out of hand.

Hope the police figure this whole thing out.

There should be some sort of lead on what happened. Hopefully the little sister isn't in any danger.

I texted Zuri.

"We'll need to get some granulated sugar from the store," Mom said from the kitchen.

This whole thing is one big mess. I need to figure out the best course of action, something quick and easy to pull off. If I can't get my plans in motion then I'll be better off studying for a nonexistent test for school.

"Ciro!" Jimera called out.


"You wanna go to the store with me and get some stuff?" He asked, "I'll buy you some snacks or something!"

Okay. First Tate and Hendrix, then I'll move onto Jeremiah. All while distracting Mom and pretending to be a normal kid. The game plan has officially started.

"Sure," I replied.

Jimera put away several different ingredients into the drawers they belong to. With random mail placed on the counter, an used frying pan on the stove, two rotten bananas, and Jimera's traveling  case lying on the dining room table; It looked like a pig pen honestly.

"Awesome," Jimera said, "I'll bring my case up to my room and I'll meet you outside."

"Alright," I said as a response.

Jimera ran up the stairs with his luggage and disappeared into the room across from mine.

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy that Jimera is back. I would rather have him here than New York. It's just that this is all happening so fast. It's been a week since the day I stopped Jeremiah from hurting Hendrix. With the fight with Jeremiah in the locker room, Lloyd attacking me and Aria, meeting Kailani, tracking down the traveling case in the woods, meeting Tate; I wouldn't blame you if you forgot it's only been about eight days. It's been such a fast pace situation after a fast pace situation.

But everything is going to be okay. I'm going to fix everything and bring back the "normal" in my life. I'll finish up this whole mess and go back to being the average teenager. Not fighting other people with superpowers. Not solving some sort of murder mystery. Not learning martial arts or any "life-saving" gimmicks. I'll be a normal kid again.

Who knows, maybe when all of this is over, I can finally find a girlfriend and finish high school.

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