That Digital Love (Part 1)

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The hallway became calm. No one made a sound, no one made a move.

The girl couldn't be taller than five foot six. Jet black hair that looked like it could be brushed, black leggings with holes and tears in them, plain gray T-shirt, and dark brown eyes with eye liner that compliments it.

"You're..." I couldn't finish my sentence.

There's no way. No way this girl is one of them. But I could feel it. I know it.

"Please.." Lloyd reached out his hand to the girl.

I slammed my fist into the side of his head, knocking him unconscious as a result.

I put my hands up as if I was being interrogated by the police, "You got the wrong idea, he was-"

"He was the one who attacked you," She said, with a tone as cold as ice.

Her face was still, emotionless even. She didn't show fear or anger. She was just herself.

"Look," She said as she held up her phone, "There's nothing to do with this photo."

She managed to snap a photo of me and Lloyd without me noticing. I don't know how I didn't realize she was standing there. It was like she just popped into the hallway.

"You don't have to be afraid, I'm not going to show anyone this," She assured.

I can't tell if I should trust her or not. I can't figure it out. She seems so calm, so uninterested about the situation. It's like she genuinely doesn't care about what's going on.

"Then why take the picture?" I asked, taking a step closer.

The girl took a step back as a response, "To have as insurance. In case you try anything funny."

In case I try something funny? Seriously?

"What's stopping me from breaking the phone?" I asked as I slowly reach for it.

She pulled her phone away, "You try anything and I'll scream."

She pointed behind her, "There's a class of students down the hall over there, you think they won't hear me scream?"

Shit. That might be a little problematic. If someone hears her scream and they find Lloyd just laying around here, that'll be the end of me.

I returned my hand, "Fine, I won't touch you."

The girl's hair was messy, looks like the type of hair you would have in the morning. After looking at her up close, I realized she was Asian. What's with me meeting so many Asians here? I've interacted with three of them in the last week. The girl also looked a little emo. Not the kind you would find in a Panic! At The Disco music video, but it had to be true with all the dark colors she was wearing.

"You're not going to introduce yourself?" She said.

I raised my eyebrow, "I don't have time for a introduction..."

Her face tighten with anger, "Kailani, it's Kailani."

Why am I'm doing this? This is what she wants, to play her games. If I don't know any better, I would think she's probably stalling for the bell to ring.

"Ciro," I finally muttered, shifting my gaze away from her.

"Cool," She responded, "Listen, I know about Aria and the other woman. He attacked you and you defended yourself, it's that simple."

"How did-"

Kailani flipped her phone over and showed me the screen. It was a video of Lloyd stabbing me in the throat, revealing a video captured of us outside the school. Somehow she gotten video of us.

"That's not all," She said, "I might as well show you the rest."

She shuffled through her photos and videos until she stopped at one and played it. It was a video of me running in a hallway. The bright white brick walls, the lights built into the ceiling; this was a video taken of me in the sub-ground level. But that doesn't make sense, I don't remember me running in the hallways.


"This was when-"

"When Jeremiah attacked you Friday. On the fourth," She answered.

"How did you get that?" I yelled in a quiet manner, trying to keep calm.

Kailani pulled her phone back, "I was just so happened to be nearby. I also saw what happened in the locker room."

Shit. She must know everything then. If she has a video of me and Jeremiah fighting then she's going to be a problem. Should I knock her out? Surely killing her would be helpful too? I can't have someone with this information, especially when they go to this school.

"H-How?" I questioned Kailani.

She waved her phone around, side to side, the same moment as wagging her finger.

"I wanted to help, since Jeremiah is an asshole to people," She responded, "Nobody likes him honestly, thought it was time for someone to kick his ass."

"But you didn't help, I never saw you." I told her, "Didn't even know there was someone else in the hallways."

Her expression changed, showing a sign of disappointment. I guess I said something wrong.

"You heard me clicking my pen, didn't you?" She asked smugly.

Clicking? What clicking? There wasn't any...

"You led me to Jeremiah by that clicking noise," I put the pieces together, "You were clicking a pen?"

She must have some kind of superpower. Some abilities that gives her the video footage.

"I didn't want to get caught up in the mess, so I gave you a hint on where to go." She explained, "Fighting people isn't my kind of thing, so I took a backseat on the situation."

It all makes sense. But at the same time I don't understand anything. She was the one who led me to Jeremiah, but how? This only leaves more questions.

She pressed her finger into my chest, "I also know what happened at the store last week. Don't worry, I got rid of the footage on the cameras. Not like it would help with anything."

"Thanks," I mustered. Frankly, I don't know what to say at this point. So many things are being revealed at once, it's hard to process it all.

"So what's the plan?" She asked.

I raised my eyebrow at her, "What plan?"

Kailani crossed her arms as a response, "The plan for Jeremiah. How are you going to take care of him? Are you going to find that case Lloyd talked about?"

I honestly don't know. I guess I should start by finding that case. I know the address, all I have to do is go there. After that I can deal with Jeremiah somehow.

"I'll figure it out," I said.

"Right..." She said, almost like she doesn't believe in me.

"Look, the bell is going to ring in a couple seconds," Kailani explained, "I got rid of Lloyd, just figure out the case situation. I have a feeling that bad stuff is going to happen pretty soon."

The bell rung throughout the hallway, causing the doors around the corner to swing open.

"Lloyd," I turned to find no one lying on the ground. The floor was cleaned from any bodies, "How-"

"Got to go," Kailani said, "I'll see you around."

Kailani disappeared from the hallway, leaving me alone. But within mere seconds, the hallway was filled with students ready to go home. Like flies entering a kitchen, I was surrounded by people almost instantly. And worst of all, I was left with hundreds of questions with no answers.

It's clear to me that I need to make some sort of move. I need to find the case, I need to find Jeremiah, and I need to figure out that Kailani girl.

I guess I should take this one step at a time. Focus on one thing before making any drastic decisions. So with that being said, let's go find this traveling case.

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