Stringers With Wings (Part 1)

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"They just need some bug spray and a box of matches. That'll get rid of them faster than whatever the hell this is."

Zuri and Ciro stared at the doors to the school's courtyard.

"I'm sure it's much more serious than that," Ciro said.

The courtyard is off limits to the students and other faculty members, only those qualify to handle the situation are allowed access.

"Doesn't make sense though," Ciro said, "We all have to walk inside the school from the outside. If they're worried about the bug problem then they should just cancel the school day."

"Or maybe the week. I don't want to be here."

Currently October twenty-first. Monday morning.

"How are they going to even get rid of the bugs?" Zuri said, "They're bugs. If they get rid of the nests in the courtyard that won't stop the nests that are possibly outside."

Mirabeau B. High School is suffering from a wasp issue. Without any prior knowledge, nests that are home to "monstrous" insects in the school's courtyard. The school blocked off the courtyard as a result.

"No clue," Ciro replied, "All of I is that there's no eating there anymore. Gonna have to eat in the hallways or skip lunch."


It's the beginning of the school day, the morning where the first class hasn't started. Zuri and Ciro like to meet up and chat before their classes, to relax before whatever nonsense the day has to offer.

"So what about you?" Ciro said, "Anything interesting happening in your life?"

Ciro couldn't put his finger on, but Zuri's skin was glowing today. A golden shade on her brown skin. Almost like an amber jewel.

"Besides my dad?" Zuri said, "No. I've just been going to the gym and heading straight home afterwards."

"You really need some friends."

"I do have friends," Zuri answered, "But they're all a bunch of losers that rather chase guys."

The hallways were busier than the average day. The courtyard was also a hot spot for the students, without their normal hang out spot, the students now fill up the halls.

"Real 'pick-me' energy coming from you," Ciro chuckled.

"Shut the hell up," Zuri growled, "Not a lot of guys here are my type anyways. There's no one I choose over the gym and study."

"Or maybe the guys you do like don't give you a chance."

"Not the type of chance you're thinking of."



The plan to heal Hendrix without suspension was a success. Not only is Hendrix feeling much better than before, but Aria or the doctors haven't got the slightest of clues on what happened.

One less problem Ciro has to deal with.

"By the way," Zuri said, "I've been meaning to ask you: Do you workout?"

"Depends on what you mean by 'workout'."

"Like go to the gym, lift weights, do cardio or something."

Ciro and Zuri walked through the available  parts of the building (which wasn't much). Most of the school was blocked off before class begins, with only the main hallway and the trophy hall being available.

"Besides doing a few push-ups in the morning, no," Ciro answered.

"Thought you did," Zuri said, "You seem to have some muscle on you. Gotten the impression that you go to the gym."

Ciro can't explain it, but he knows that his pyrokinesis has something to do with his muscles. Maybe his body burns calories faster, causing him to build more muscle than fat. He's not a body builder or a linebacker, but he noticed a difference between him and other students his age. It's a shame that he's below six feet, he would've been popular with the ladies.

"Never saw the appeal to working out," Ciro said, "Always thought that it was a waste of time, since my metabolism basically keeps me from being fat."

"Lucky," Zuri grumbled, "I have to constantly work out, otherwise I'll get too chubby and lose the muscle in my legs."

"Sounds like a pain."

"It is."

Men in pale white keeper suits swarm the courtyard. The wasp creatures crowded them and attempted to attack. Creatures that were identical to the one Jimera and Ciro saw in the supermarket.

The insects were being killed off, swarm by swarm, group by group. The men in suits would suffer pokes from the stingers of the wasps, even with the protective gear on.

"They really should've canceled school today," Zuri said, "Would rather sleep in than whatever we'll learn in chemistry."

"It's probably because Mr. Brockney is the most incompetent principal out there," Ciro said, "The best thing the guy did was put up the Halloween decorations and that's saying something."

The wasps and their hives were killed off, leaving the bodies of the dead insects behind. The men in suit theorize that there were surviving wasps that escaped, but the pest control workers did their job.

"I think it's time for me to start heading for class," Zuri said, "I want to make sure I finish my homework for my teacher collects it."

"Could've done that now," Ciro replied, "But alright. Stay safe."

The two teens split up to go to their respective classrooms, unbeknownst to them: A surviving insect already caught their scent and is following them.

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