Stingers With Wings (Part 3)

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My hands began to flicker and wave as flames engulfed my entire arms.


The burning sensation created this overwhelming heat as I launched the fire at the insects. Blasting the sky with a fireball and warming the area.


The damn bugs are gathering around, more and more start to appear around me. For every bug I turn to ash- another would take it's place alongside a friend. It's like I'm fighting a hydra.

It's gotta be their pheromones. I read about it from a book, where killing one wasp will only attract more because they release this scent into the air. That's the reason why so many are appearing.


Three wasps flew from straight behind me, it felt like I was being shot at by a gunsman. I instinctively released a wall of fire that engrossed behind me, like a barrier that would incinerate anything that touched it. A "cord" was connected between me and the barrier, supplying the wall with more fire from my body. My energy converted itself into ammo for flames.

Thank the lord that wasps don't release an odor when cooked, I probably would've end it all if I had to go through that.


The valley of wasps remained idle in the sky, only eight feet above the ground, but high enough to keep themselves out of my range. They're looking for an opening, a way to strike and put me down. They know I can kill them instantly if they come near me, but I'll meet my end if I keep my back from either side. Not that I had a choice, they're surrounding me.


I can't go all out and just burn the area down, this is my backyard- my house is right there. But I also can't just hold back like this, they keep growing and build up their numbers.

I pulled my middle fingers back to meet my thumbs, aiming at the wasps with my middle phalanx. I flicked my fingers back and shot a needle of flames straight at two of the wasps, turning the insects into ash that blew away into wind. I fired more and more into the swarm, burning more and more of the bugs.


A small whimper called out from the victims. I didn't give a chance for any of them, I flicked any flames towards any insects I could see. The leftover bodies looked like crunched up pieces of toast that were left in the toaster for too long.


One of the creatures darted towards me, the sounds of its wings felt like a hammer was smashing my ears. I shifted my hand into a ball of fire, slamming my fist into the bug and splat it onto the ground.


Another two wasps flew up to me at high speeds. I immediately inhaled and puffed out my chest, finally letting out a wave of flames from my mouth. The insects nose-dived into the ground as they toasted.


There's gotta be at least thirty of them. Which isn't much compared to a normal hive, but that's thirty too many for me.


I felt the poke on the back of my forearm. It felt like a knife just went into my skin and is about to burst out the opposite side, soon the burning feel would follow. I winced in pain as I saw that a wasp made contact with my skin, further digging its stinger my arm.

My arm, along with my clothes, enkindled into a bush of flames, as wild as a forest fire. The bug would be shallowed before being spat out like a chewed up piece of gum. It's toasted body fell to the ground below me.

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