Brotherly Bond (Part 3)

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Family has always been a sensitive topic for me. Aside from the fact that my father abandoned me, I never really knew any other family members. I remember when Dad left, neither side of our family wanted anything to do with us.

"Dad, you need to help us!" My mother spoke on the phone, "We need a place to stay, you can't just leave us!"

Our family on our mother's side abandoned us, because they wanted to stand by their word. According to Jimera, they never approved of Mom and Dad. Saying "He's no good for you". And when Dad proved them right, they wanted no part with Mom, as long as Jimera and I followed her.

"You're really going to leave us?" Mom said, "All because of what? Because of him?"

Mom's family stayed up in New York City. Threatening us to stay in Texas, and don't even think about moving up there. If they ever find us in the city, they'll put our names on a restraining order. Pieces of shit.

"It's not my fault he left!" Mom screamed, "If you don't want to take me in, fine! But at least take the boys."

They refused. As long as Jimera and I have our father's blood, we were just as bad as he was. We were his sons, something we couldn't control. But they didn't care. All they cared about was standing by their word.

"You fucking pieces of shit!" Mom slammed on the table, "I'm your daughter! They're your grandkids! And you're gonna leave us just like him!"

They were. And did. They never contacted us after that phone call. They stayed in New York and refused to be in our lives. Our family. Our own flesh and blood. The same people that were supposed to support us.

"God damn it!" Mom threw her phone against the wall.

Dad's side wasn't any better. They refused to accept us as their family as well. They believed Dad had a good reason to leave us, whatever it was. So, they kept us out of their lives as well, ghosting Mom and us for years. They stood by our father. And the ironic thing was, our father didn't even contact them either. He left all of us.

"Ciro, you shouldn't be listening to this," Jimera turned me away from the view of the kitchen, "You don't need to know any of this."

Jimera protected me from all of this. Trying his best to shield from the truth, the truth that our "family" left us. He tried to be there for me and Mom. Being the man of the house when Dad left. But I knew he was mad just like Mom and I.

The concept of a family has been lost to me. Family is supposed to stick together and help each other out. When life gets difficult and you're on your last leg, your family is supposed to help carry you. They're supposed to be there for you. But our family weren't. They left us. Deserted us.

"I'll be sure to visit a few times a year," Jimera said.

Jimera became a well-known boxer. Scoring win after win, claiming a sort of title for himself.

Jimera 'The Spear' Pierce

Pretty good title if you ask me. But once he got a boxing contract, he decided to move to New York City. To their city.

Looking back at it, I used to think Jimera was leaving us just like the rest. But he quickly proved us wrong by constantly calling us and sending presents for the holidays. Plus, he did something the other family members didn't, Jimera actually came to visit us.

"Just be careful," Mom said, "It's a dangerous business, make sure you stay safe."

Jimera, Ximena, and his boxing coach traveled up Northeast. Keeping close contact with us.

"I will Ma," Jimera assured, "Just make sure Ciro stays out of trouble."

I did. For the most part. Around this time I didn't discover my Pyrokinesis, that wasn't until a year later.

"Stay safe," Mom gave Jimera a kiss on the cheek, and off he went.

It wasn't until two years later, where Jimera got ahold of Mom's family. He annoyed and pestered until they gave him a chance. Somehow, he was able to slip into their lives. Befriending them and finding out what kind of people they were.

To this day, I still haven't approved of this. I mean, They left us. They wanted no part with us. And you're trying to connect with them?

Over the next two years, Jimera would spent some holidays with the family up there. Go to family reunions, Christmas dinners, weddings, whatever it was; He was there. Jimera tried his hardest to connect our two sides, and to an extent Mom would be on board. Me? Not so much.

Jimera wanted to bring the family back together. He believed that the reason why our family have been broke apart for so long, is because we let these negative emotions run the show. He saw it as this: Dad broke the family apart, and as his son, it was his job to put it back together again.

Selfless words. Jimera was always the selfless brother. Sure, I try to help others, but I always put the "Status Quo" above everything else. Even if it meant turning your back on innocent people. But Jimera was always different. Somehow, he was the brother that was a little less bitter. He was the one who held out hope, hope that our family weren't complete assholes.

Sometimes I wish I was like Jimera. But it's just those memories that keep me from being forgiving. I let my trauma make my decisions and run my mind. I wish to be a good person like him, but I have my own flaws. I have this anger in my heart, my very soul. Something that pulls me back when I try to take a step in the right direction.

Meanwhile, Jimera refuse to hold on to that darkness. He always was this kind hearted person. The one who cares too much. Let by gones be bygones. A man with dignity and pride, the guy who'll always sacrifice pieces of himself to fix others.

At the end of the day, I guess we're just two different sides of the same coin. One brother that grew up with anger in his heart, and the other that grew up forgiving.

Really makes me sound like the villain, huh?

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