Bitter Tongues (Part 2)

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"And why would I do that?" Tate asked.

12:09 PM. B Lunch. With the help of the photo given by Kailani, finding Tate was pretty simple. Sitting on the ground with his backpack behind him, he was eating a cheeseburger against the wall; With only his phone keeping him company on the floor.

"I have a gift, and if you have a gift then you shouldn't use it for free," Tate continued.

Tate had an overgrown afro with a reddish tint. He's about five foot eight and with freakishly long arms; If I'm right, then he should have a wingspan of a little more than six feet. He seems to be growing out a stubble beard. With sideburns appearing on the side of his head, he seems to be in the process for about two weeks so far. I'll be honest, Tate looks older than he's suppose to be. It mostly have to do with that beard.

"I understand, but somebody is badly hurt and you can help them," I argued, watching Tate take a bite out of his cheeseburger.

Don't get it twisted, I don't want Tate to heal Hendrix completely. That'll be too much of a giveaway, but I want him to do something about his injuries. Something.

"You got some cash?" Tate asked with a mouthful, "With the healing you're requesting, that'll be about a hundred dollars."

"A hundred dollars?!?" I realized I'm making too much of a scene, I sat down in front of Tate with my backpack beside me.

I found Tate inside the school. Instead of eating in the courtyard, or hanging out in the cafeteria; Tate was relaxing and eating his lunch in the trophy hall. It's right next to the courtyard with one of the doors connecting the areas together.

"You charged that one girl about twenty dollars," I said, "The one who got mauled by that German Shepherd. You fixed her up with no problem."

Tate took a sip of his chocolate milk, "That's because the girl had some nice boobs. We agreed that we would meet up one of these days. If you're catching my drift."

With the help of Kailani (again), I was able to get some details about Tate and his healing practices. In the last week's worth of time, he healed more than fourteen people. One of them being a senior girl, she had a near death experience with a dog and Tate saved her. Word got around fast, and it ended up being heard by Zuri and Kailani.

I could threaten Tate, tell him what he's doing will change a lot of things, but that'll just make things worse. I can't get him scared or make myself seem like a threat, that'll cause unnecessary drama.

"I'm not going to save someone who won't pay me," Tate shoved a handful of fries down his mouth, "You have to understand this from my point of view; I grew up poor, and now that I have a way to help people for a fee, you want to take away my source of income?"

He's somewhat right. I'm sure his power is more complicated than 'I touch you, I heal you'. There's most likely a process. If I were in his shoes, I would probably do the same. Still, this is different.

"So a hundred dollars? And you could heal Hendrix a little?" I asked him.

"Hmmph," Tate answered.

Maybe I could get some money from Mom. No, Mom would instantly ask too many questions. What about Hendrix's parents? Surely they would pay any amount of money to help him. No, I can't. I never even met his parents, they would think I'm a scammer or something. Zuri? No, can't put that on her. Kailani? Asking too much.

"Is there any other way?" I wanted to know.

Tate shoveled his fries into his mouth. Watching him eat and deny helping is causing some sort of anger inside. I genuinely want to punch him in his smug face.

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