Chapter 5 On the Loose

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3rd Person POV:

The mutant flew down the street with the Ace Ops launching their attacks at him. The mutant ducked, dodged, and tripped them easily, almost like he was playing with them.

The Ace Ops chased him around town, but only Harriet had the speed to keep up with him.

"You guys head to the base," ordered Harriet, "me and my new squad can take care of this."

Ruby's POV:

We had finally reached the port, and I felt exhausted. The boat ride was several hours long, and we still had to unload everything and meet Harriet at the hospital- oh no, wait, here she is, and she brought Neon with her.

"Good news!" Harriet said happily. Well, I guess being healed in a high-quality hospital will do that to a person, "the mutant brat is on the move! Speed Team assembles!"

"Uh Speed Team?" Blake said, confused.

Speed Team was the name of the team Harriet came up with. It's made of her as the leader, me, Penny, and Neon. She came up with the idea so we could chase enemies who move at high speeds or are tricky to catch. I did not want to do this after the day we just had.

"Sorry guys," I said to my teammates, "I gotta go with her. It'll be real quick, I promise."

"Don't worry," chuckled Harriet, "we're gonna lure this mutant to a corner and bring. Him. Down."

3rd person POV:

The Speed Team was on the lookout for the mutant, not knowing he was flying the sky carefree.

"Any sign of him?" Harriet asked the communicator.

"No," replied Neon.

"No trace," responded Ruby.

"I see no sign of the mutant," said Penny, flying above the city.


Penny looked up to see the mutant racing by in the sky.

"He's heading to the east!" Penny related to Harriet, "he just raced past me!"

"Chase him back to the base," commanded Harriet, "with him cornered, we can bring him to Ironwood and figure out what the mutants are up to."

The mutant silently flew through the skies, watching the city down below, keeping an eye out for any other attacks when a green laser blasted in front of him. He looked up to see Penny slowly floating down in front of him.

"Mr. Mutant," Penny said sternly, "by order of the Atlas military, I demand that you cease your reckless behavior!"

The mutant just floated in the sky, staring at her, and then his expression turned sad, confusing Penny.

"Why?" the mutant asked sadly.

"Because you have been deemed a danger to-"

"No, I mean, why did we have to meet like this? This isn't how we were supposed to meet each other for the first time."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm sorry, but I can't tell you why right now. Just know that I don't want to be your enemy."

"Penny," Harriet interrupted through the communicator, "stop talking and arrest him!"

"Yes, ma'am," Penny replied. Then she turned to the mutant, "If you will not come quietly, I will have brought you down by force."

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