Chapter 6.5 Atlas At Last Part 2

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Alias' POV:

I ran across the tundra of Solitas happily on my way to Atlas. It's really barren out here, but it's so empty and free that I like it. Oh, look, there's Atlas in the distance.

Man, I never get tired of seeing this kingdom from a distance, but then I get sad because it reminds me of my mentor. Oh well, it's time to get friend number five. I rushed to the kingdom on a light sprint. I noticed a blue light glowing around the kingdom as I approached it. Oh, it looks like they put up the hard light shields, and they finally took my suggestion to put some on Mantle. The upper crust is finally thinking of the lower crust.

3rd Person POV:

"Are the shields operational!?" Ironwood demanded.

"Yes sir," said Elm, "all shields are up and operational. Both parts of the kingdom are shielded!"

"People are currently evacuating to their homes," said Penny, "knights and paladins are getting in a defensible position."

"We're ready too, sir," Ruby said, standing next to her team, "just tell us what to do!"

"Be ready for his attack!" said Ironwood.

"Here he comes!" said an officer.

Everyone readied their weapons as the mutant approached. The mutant stopped at the southern gate and inspected the hard light shield. The shield on Mantle's wall was linked to a post on top of Atlas, so one big barrier covered both places, but there was still the one Atlas had for a total of two. He zipped to the east gate, then north, and finally south. He returned to the north and began slowly circling the kingdom, not knowing everyone was watching him. Suddenly, he jumped and went so high he could look down on Atlas. He opened his mouth, and a pale pink beam with sparkles formed.

"Garrr," he yelled, charging up the beam, "bleeaagghhh!" He fired the blast from his mouth, and it collided with the shield, causing an explosion

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"Garrr," he yelled, charging up the beam, "bleeaagghhh!" He fired the blast from his mouth, and it collided with the shield, causing an explosion. The beam charged straight through the outer barrier and quickly tore through the second one. The beam went through the kingdom and hit a mountain behind it, causing a massive tidal wave of glacier water to flow to the kingdom, threatening to flood it. 


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