Chapter 1 Crossing paths

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Ruby's POV:

"Yang on your left!" I called out to my sister.

Yang jumped and backflipped over a black tentacle and launched her ammo at it.

"Ugh, what's with these guys!" Yang yelled as Weiss and Blake rushed ahead of her.

"These are some weird semblances," groaned Blake, "I mean, could you even call these semblances?"

"Die huntresses!" yelled the thug. He swung his tentacled arms at us again, smashing the street pavement. We all dodged his onslaught while his friends robbed a store nearby. We had been fighting this guy for almost half an hour, which was getting annoying. Team JNPR was interfering with this guy's teammate, and the damage was getting high. The other thug was shooting light from his eyes like lasers, but he always stopped like it was hurting him.

The thug with the laser eyes sliced through a lamp post and knocked it down toward Nora and Ren, separating them from Jaune and Pyrrha. He pulled out a knife and charged at Pyrrha, but Jaune intercepted with his shield and knocked him back.

"You will not hurt her!" Jaune snarked angrily, and he punched the guy in the face repeatedly.

"Jaune, stop!" called Pyrrha, grabbing his arm.

She pulled him away, allowing the thug to get up and hit him in the gut. Pyrrha round housed his face, knocking out a tooth.

"Crazy bi-"

"Don't you finish that sentence!" shouted Jaune, rushing in with his sword.

He was about to stab the guy in the shoulder when his eyes turned red, and he blasted Jaune backward into Pyrrha. The thug looked pleased until Nora hit him with a grenade, and Ren landed a kick to his face. I was so distracted by seeing that I overlooked the tentacled one preparing to swing at me.

"Ruby, watch out!" called Weiss as the tentacled thug almost smashed me. I used my semblance to escape and managed to land on top of a car. Just as I was about to cut off this dude's arm, his body began to shake, and his weird tentacles shrank back to normal.

"Aw dammit!" he yelled, turning to his teammates, "Dude, I'm out of power over here!"

"Shoot, I'm out too!" his friend shouted as he stopped shooting out lasers, "dammit, we need more!"

Then, at that moment, a fireball exploded in the sky like a signal flare in the distance.

"Grab the stuff, and let's go!" said the first thug. He and his friend threw down smoke bombs and ran away.

"Get back here!" yelled Jaune, chasing them, but when the smoke cleared, they were gone, "oh, you've gotta be kidding me!"

"Jaune calmed down," said Pyrrha, "they got away. It's not the end of the world, okay?"

"But what if they go and hurt someone? What if they hurt...ugh never mind. Let's just go back to the police and tell them we failed. Again."

Jaune put his sword in its sheath and walked away in a huff.

"Is he gonna be okay?" asked Blake.

"Jaune will be fine," said Pyrrha, "I mean, he's always fine, right?"

We all agreed half-heartedly, but we knew the real reason why he was acting like this. As we started to leave, I almost tripped over something. it looked like some kind of vial with fluid inside of it. I wonder what it is? 

 I wonder what it is? 

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