Ch 12.5.2 Trial by Fire

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Alias POV:

I charged at the girls with my claws elongated. Ruby burst forward using her semblance and readied her scythe. I jumped in the air, and our weapons clashed. Ruby fell over on the floor, but she picked herself up again. The two sisters charged at me and unleashed a flurry of attacks. I deflected and repelled them with my hands, but Ruby recklessly charged at me. She swung her scythe around my head wildly, making her moves very easy to read. I swung my claws and repelled her attacks vigorously.

3rd Person POV:

The other huntsmen watched Alias take on the two huntress sisters in the battle. They watched Ruby swing her scythe and miss while Alias twisted and coiled his body like a snake, avoiding their attacks. His fingers grew as long as swords, and he swung them maliciously at Ruby, keeping her on the defensive. Through the flames, Weiss and Blake watched as the three silhouettes rushed as battle cries and clanging metal rang in their ears. Oscar watched worriedly for Ruby while Blake watched out for Yang.

Ruby kept cutting through the air as the fighting raged, and her attacks missed Alias. Alias swiped at her face wildly. He tried to slam his claws on her head, but Ruby dodged. Alias stretched out his neck and tried to bite Ruby's head. He swung his claws down in Ruby from above, and sparks began to fly every time he did. Yang, worried for her sister, stepped back into the fight.

 Yang, worried for her sister, stepped back into the fight

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Alias' POV:

Yang appeared behind me and launched projectiles from her gauntlets at me. I swatted them back at her. Yang somersaulted over them and swung at the back of my head. I sidestepped, causing her to miss and almost punch Ruby. I stretched out my hand and swatted them both, causing their auras to break instantly. The girls looked panicked until I waved my hand and restored their auras.

"You recharged our auras?" Yang asked, confused, "But why-"

"This is a test," I argued, "and you cannot leave until you pass or fail by my judgment, even if your auras break. You will not leave here until you pass my test! And you're far from it."

I took a deep breath, then exhaled, releasing a cloud of smoke over them. The girls coughed. I grabbed their heads and pulled them towards me. I smashed them together and tossed them away. Ruby got up first and began to swing wildly at my face. I blocked her attacks with my finger and flicked her away. Yang tried smashing my head in, but I made my hand grow to the size of her body and caught her. I swung my arm around and began to slam Yang into the walls and on the floor, repeatedly causing her aura to shimmer and break, but I kept restoring it. I flung Yang to the ceiling, where she hit it with a thud. As she began to fall, I jumped above her, morphed my fist into a claw, grabbed her throat, and drove her to the floor. As I stepped back, I left a crater in my wake. Yang struggled to move.

3rd Person POV:

Ruby ran to her sister's aid, but Alias turned his aura into a long, thick tail and smacked her away. Yang managed to get up again, but she was wobbling. Alias rushed towards them, ready for the next attack. Ruby lunged at him, prepared to cut, but Alias turned into smoke and passed her. Then, he used his semblance to increase the gravity around Ruby and send her flying into the wall. Alias landed in front of Yang and began to punch her. Yang deflected his attacks, but she couldn't keep up with the speed of his arms.

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