Chapter 8 She Friend

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Ruby's POV:

We all headed to our rooms and lay down.

"Man, these past few days have been crazy," sighed Weiss, "that mutant guy attacking Atlas, hijacking Penny and everything else he did. I have a headache just thinking about it."

"Yeah," said Nora, "we should really sleep on it, you guys."

"Uh, Nora, you're in my bed."

"Don't worry, I'm willing to share."

"No, Nora, you have your own room!"

"Too sleepy to go."

"Ugh! You can not sleep in my bed!"

"Don't worry, Weiss," said Yang, "you can sleep in my bed."

"Then where will you sleep?" I asked.

"Eh, I'll just sleep on the floor or something."

"Yang, come on."

"She can sleep with me," said Blake, then she blushed, "I-I mean, if that's ok with you, Yang."

"Uh yeah, I'm ok with that. Thanks, Blake."

"Hm, no problem."

So Yang crawled under the covers with Blake on her bunk while Weiss slept on the bottom. I sighed and stared at the ceiling. Why does that mutant want the gems so bad? Is it because he called them his friends? It could have something to do with that girl he turned into an aura.

3rd person POV:

As Ruby stared at the ceiling, Nora snored in Weiss' bed, and Weiss pouted in Yang's bed; Yang and Blake were trying to fall asleep. Blake's eyes were closed when she felt something touch her finger. Blake peeked an eye open to see Yang rubbing her finger on top of her own. When Yang saw her, she shut her eyes and pretended to sleep.

"Yang," whispered Blake, "I know you're awake."

"No, you don't," said Yang.

"Yes, I do. Come on, open your eyes."

So Yang slowly opened her eyes, making Blake blush.

"Hey," said Yang.

"Hi," said Blake.

"Come here often?"

"Well, this is where I sleep."

"It's a nice place to sleep. I'm glad I'm here."

"So am I. Maybe you can come here again?"

"Come here? And sleep with you again?"

"Yeah, I like it when you sleep with me."

"So do I."

The two girls blushed bright red and giggled. Yang moved her hand to Blake's hip and started walking it up her body.

"Yang, what are you doing?" Blake giggled.

"Oh, nothing," teased Yang, "just giving my fingers a stretch."

Her fingers walked up Blake's side, tickling her and making her giggle. Yang tickled her a bit longer before continuing up her side, then her shoulder. She played with her human ears, then walked up her head to her cat ears. Yang slowly rubbed them, making Blake blush even harder and giggle. Yang started scratching Blake's chin, making her purr.

"Are you purring?" asked Yang.

"Yes. I'd purr for you, at least," Blake sighed.

The two girls stared at each other and slowly linked their fingers together.

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