Chapter 4 Dust Off

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Ruby's POV:

I silently watched as the mutant sat near a campfire while holding an purple gem. As I slowly crept forward, I heard what sounded like a conversation, but with the gemstone?

"Oh, I know we need to find them," the mutant sighed to the gem, "but I don't know where they are," He silently stared at the gem, "yea, I know I miss you too

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"Oh, I know we need to find them," the mutant sighed to the gem, "but I don't know where they are," He silently stared at the gem, "yea, I know I miss you too. I miss them all, but don't worry once we get the gang back together it'll be like old times right?" his voice started to break like he was sad, "you don't know what I've been through. You don't know how much I wish you were all here with me," tears rolled down his face and he started crying.

What's wrong with him? Why does he care about the gem so much? Is he insane?


I turned around and saw the little girl from before. She walked past me like I wasn't there, but then she abruptly looked back at me and ran to the mutant and whispered in his ear. The mutant turned around and looked at me. He jumped like he was trying to escape, but once again, he looked at me with a very intense stare. I didn't know what to do, so I stared back at him. I wanted to ask him who he was and what he wanted, but his gaze caught my attention until I looked at the girl running up to him. Suddenly, her body shimmered and turned into...aura?! The mutant held out his hand and absorbed her into his body.

I just stared in shock at what I saw. I pulled out my scythe and readied it. The mutant stared at me more intensely; his eyes were glowing red, making me feel uneasy. I wanted to leave, but I couldn't help but stare back into his eyes. He didn't look like he'd hurt me, but I didn't feel safe around him either. It felt like we'd stare at each other forever, but our staring contest was broken when my scroll rang.

The mutant's eyes turned back to their standard shade of purple. The mutant put out the campfire and flew off somewhere. I wanted to ask him who he was. I pulled out my scroll and saw Yang was the one calling me.

"Ruby!?" Yang gasped worriedly, "Are you ok?! Where are you?"

"Uh, I-I'm sorry," I sighed, "I guess I strayed for a few minutes."

"Minutes? You've been gone for almost an hour! We've sent a search party out for you!"

"Wha-an hour!? Oh man, I'm so sorry, guys! I didn't even find the dust vein."

"What have you been doing the whole time?" snapped Elm angrily.

"I went looking for the vein and...then I saw a little girl and followed her, and she led me to the mutant."

"That guy again?" exclaimed Jaune, "why do we keep running into him?"

"Doesn't matter," Elm interrupted, "Ruby, we found the vein. Get back to the ship and wait for further orders."

I backtrack to the ship still thinking about my encounters with this guy. When I finally returned, I saw many trucks carrying large shipments of dust to the boats. That vein must've been massive because there were more full loads than empty ones, and many robot drones took sacks to and from the ships. When I set foot on the boat, I felt the floor rumble like something was charging at me.

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