Chapter 9 Muffled Truths Part 1

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Ruby's POV:

as we made our way home after Alias left, I couldn't get the encounter out of my head. Everything about it had shaken me up.

I had my head down as that moment re-layed in my head on loop. The revelation that Alias knew my mother weighed on me like an anchor. I knew everyone was quiet because they didn't know what to say to me. So I spoke first.

"You guys saw Alias too, right?" My voice carried a mix of confusion and desperation. I was really hoping that what happened wasn't just in my imagination.

Yang nodded, her expression mirroring my turmoil. "Yeah, Ruby. That was unexpected. What do you think he meant by knowing Mom?"

"I wish I knew, kiddo. It's a puzzle to me too." Qrow chimed in.

My eyes searched their faces for answers, but the unease lingered. "Do you think Mom ever mentioned him? Did she know Alias?"

Yang sighed, a mix of concern and frustration in her voice. "Ruby, we've been over this. Mom didn't talk much about her past, especially not about people like Alias. It's all a mystery."

Weiss and Blake exchanged glances, their expressions reflecting a shared unease. The vehicle carried the weight of unspoken tension, each member of my team grappled with their own thoughts.

"What if Alias is just messing with us?" Blake suggested, breaking the silence. "Maybe it's all mind games."

Weiss, ever the pragmatic, raised an eyebrow. "I doubt he would go to such lengths just for mind games. There's something more to this."

In the distance, the city lights signaled our approach to home. As we neared our residence, I suggested, "Maybe we should ask Dad about Alias. He might know something."

The suggestion hung in the air, and with a shared nod, we agreed it was worth a shot. After almost an hour on the road, we finally made it back to the city. My team, Qrow, and JNPR were exhausted. Ugh that long drive is a nightmare.

When we got home, I went to my room, pulled out my scroll and tried to call Dad. Yang and Uncle Qrow sat down next to me and waited as my scroll rang, waiting for a response. I had no idea what dad would say. Maybe Alias was a friend of his or an enemy? Maybe he's working for Salem or is one of Ozpin's associates? The unknown made my stomach turn. Finally dad picked up.

The holographic image of Dad flickered to life in front of us, and for a moment, his beaming smile transported me back to simpler times.

"Hey, my little rose!" he exclaimed. "How's everyone doing? Are you healthy? Is there a Grimm bullying you? Qrow, are you making sure these two eat properly?"

Qrow smirked, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Well, you know, Tai, they've got appetites that could rival a pack of Beowolves. I'm doing my best to keep up, but they're a couple of bottomless pits."

Yang and I simultaneously hit Qrow's chest. "Coming from the man who drinks bottomless wine." I couldn't resist a snappy comeback.

Dad chuckled, a warmth in his voice. "Good to hear. Now, tell me, how's everything going? Any exciting missions or new friends?"

"Uh well things are getting interesting.'' I tried to sound upbeat but couldn't do it.

"What happened? Is something wrong with your friends? Oh wait did Ironwood say you don't have insurance because so help me if he causes you two to get hurt i swear to god i will tear-!"

"No no it's not him but we are having trouble with an individual."

"Who is it?"

" much do you know about moms past?"

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