Chapter 3 Sea Unfairing

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Ruby's POV:

That battle was exhausting. We fought many mutants before, but we never had to deal with one like him. This guy was in a league of his own, but I was worried about how he kept staring at me. What is that guy up to?

"Is everyone accounted for?" asked Qrow.

Everyone moaned inside the medical ward. After that brutal but short fight, reinforcements took us back to the base so everyone could get treated. Though I had no injuries, I still wanted to get checked out. Harriet had been knocked unconscious by that nasty blow she took and was in intensive care. The other Ace Ops were standing nearby, worried, and Clover was trying to pull more resources for her.

3rd: Person POV:

Outside of the military base, Oscar was trying to get in. He wandered from different parts of the base, asking directions and where to go, but only needed clarification.

"Excuse me," Oscar asked a guard and a doctor, "have you seen any injured huntsmen come in here?"

"Sorry, no civilians allowed," said the doctor.

"I'm not a civilian; I'm a huntsman. Well, I'm not an actual huntsman, but I've been traveling with a group of huntsmen, and they fought that guy in the news."

"Do they have a team name?"

"Uh yea team JNPR and RWBY. Team RWBY is led by Ruby Rose. You know, cute girl, gothic red and black clothes, Short hair, silver eyes, very cute."

"Ah yes, I know who you mean. Right this way, please."

Ruby's POV:

"Damn, that guy was strong!" said Yang, rubbing her arm as Jaune tried to heal her.

"We never fought someone like that before," Jaune said, steadying himself, "I mean, he was more powerful than Cin-some other people we've fought."

"He has to be some kind of super mutant," said Weiss, "someone with that kind of power has to be different for a reason."

There was a knock on the door, and Oscar walked in with a doctor.

"Oh, there they are, thanks," Oscar said, but the doctor stopped him.

"Is that the Ruby girl?" the doctor whispered, "you were right; she is cute."

Oscar's face turned red as the doctor escorted him to where we were.

"Don't let her go," she whispered to Oscar before she left.

Oscar's face was beet red, and he was trying not to show his embarrassment.

"Uh, hi guys?" he said questionably.

"Hi, Oscar," I said, trying not to giggle.

"Hey Oscar!" Called Nora from across the room.

"Oscar," said Jaune, stepping away from Yang and onto Blake, "what are you doing here?"

"I was at the house watching the news, and I saw what happened," Oscar explained, "I saw Harriet take that blow from the mutant, and I felt that shockwave and saw the snow he made, and I got worried. The stress was eating away at me, and I just had to come so I could see how you were all doing."

"Oh, that's sweet," I said, patting his shoulder, making him blush even more, "I'm fine, Oscar, but everyone else took a beating."

"Yeah," said Vine quizzically, "Why did you take the least amount of injury during the fight, Ruby?"

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