Hesitant confessions

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You've gotten very comfortable around Blitz. You and him did everything together now. Watch movies, eat, hang out. There were no secrets between you two. Except, of course, the fact you both loved each other and think the other doesn't feel the same. You found yourself lost in thought, staring at the ceiling as you lay on your back on the couch. Blitz walked over to you and sat down. He noticed you lost in thought, and he put his hand on your hand and you jumped slightly but looked at him and calmed immediately.

"You alright? You seemed to be thinking pretty hard.."

You nodded lightly.

"I'm alright."

His voice softened and he squeezed your hand softly.

"Are you lying to me...?"

Your heart skipped a beat. He could tell you were lying. You weren't "alright". You had so much on your mind you couldn't bring yourself to do anything else...you looked down a little, sighing softly. You wanted to tell him. You wanted to tell him so badly..but you were scared. What if Stolas was wrong and Blitz doesn't have feelings for you? You'd make a complete fool of yourself. You fell silent, these thoughts running circles in your head. Blitz cupped your cheek softly, and you looked at him. Your eyes quivered softly and Blitz's eyes were soft. Soft and concerned. You sighed shakily.


Blitz listened quietly and didn't rush you to say anything. Your words caught in your throat and you fell quiet again.  You were trying to gather the courage to speak, and your hands clasped tightly together, and anxiety made you feel nauseous. He cupped your cheek softly and spoke gently.

"You don't have to tell me right now....you know I'll never force you to talk about anything if you're not ready...."

You looked up at him and he smiled softly, his gaze soft. You leaned into him and he hugged you gently. He trailed his fingers through your hair softly, and your mind drifted again. You and him stayed that way for a while, then you suddenly spoke after a few hours of comfortable silence. You decided to just tell him...and what he would say was not known to you, but you were desperate to tell him. You couldn't wait any longer. Your voice was soft and hesitant.


He looked at you and tilted his head softly.


You swallowed nervously. You closed your eyes and took a slow deep breath and let it out slowly before speaking quietly.

"....I've had something on my mind for a while now.....and..I've been scared to tell you because I..didn't know what you'll say.....but.....I...I love you, Blitz........."

Your voice lowered to almost nothing when you said "I love you". But he heard it perfectly. His cheeks flushed deep red and his eyes widened slightly. His heart skipped a few beats and he looked at you, in slight shock. He then spoke in awe, whispering.

"You......love me....? Honestly...?"

You nodded, looking down a bit. You were scared. His eyes softened and he gently lifted your chin and gazed at you. You could see the pure love and joy in his eyes. It was enough to make your heart melt. He whispered softly, a soft smile on his face.

"........you don't know how good it feels to hear those words come out of your mouth, Y/N.....because......I..love you too....."

You teared up at those last four words. "I love you too."  Your fear and anxiety instantly evaporated completely, and you hugged him tightly, and his tail softly wrapped around your tail in a gentle gesture of love. You cried softly in happiness, and he held you close. After a moment, he took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, gathering the courage for what he was about to do. Slowly, he lifted your chin, gazing at you gently before gently leaning forward and his lips very gently pressed against yours in a gentle way. Your heart threatened to pound out of your chest, and you froze. You'd never been kissed this gently before, and you were scared to mess it up. He cupped your cheek softly and you melted into him, kissing him back slowly. After a few moments, he slowly broke the kiss and you just sat there in awe, your face flushed bright red. You broke into a giddy giggle, and he chuckled softly, hugging you closer. He whispered softly.

"You're a wonderful kisser..."

You giggled in slight embarrassment, flustered. You both cuddled there and eventually you dozed off against him. You were ecstatic. Any fear or anxious thoughts you had originally had, were gone without a trace. he loved you, and you loved him.

You're safe now. (Blitzø x reader 18+)Where stories live. Discover now