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It's been a week since the tragedy. You refused to leave Loona's grave. You had been laying there for a week. Since the night you buried her, you haven't moved. Not to eat, not to drink. Blitz sighed softly.

"My something at least....."

Your dull eyes looked up at him, and you had no more tears to shed. You looked so drained and it broke Blitz's heart. He lay beside you. Your body was still shaking and you hadn't even had the energy nor the motivation to even....take off the blood stained let out a sob but no tears came out. Blitz texted Moxxie and a few minutes later, Moxxie came out with a fresh set of clothes.

"Here sir....."

"Thank you Mox...."

"How's she holding up....?"

".....she's not.....she hasn't moved...hasn't said a word.....she hasn't eaten..."

Moxxie sighed very softly.

"Do you want help getting her to the shower...?"

"I think I can get it....just go check on Millie...I know she was taking this pretty hard too......."

Moxxie nodded quietly, and quietly slipped back inside, going to check on Millie. Blitz slowly picked you up and although you reached desperately for Loona's grave, not wanting to leave it,  but you were too weak to fight against Blitz right now. He gently carried you to the shower, and he very gently undressed you, not even paying attention to your body right now. That was the very last thing on his mind. He made the water nice and warm, and gently helped you under the water. His touch was very gentle, but he did have to scrub a little to get the bloodstains off your skin. You didn't mind the scrubbing. Your shaking eased up slightly but it didn't completely stop. It wouldn't stop for a long while. You leaned into him and buried your wet face in his neck, and he held you close.

"It's okay....I've got you.....I'm never leaving your side I promise......."

You gripped the back of his shirt, clenching your teeth. You wanted so badly, NEEDED to cry, but you couldn't.  No tears came out. Blitz washed your body gently, and you closed your eyes at his gentleness. He gently rubbed water on your body to rinse you off and then he gently wrapped you in your towel that just came out of the dryer.

"Why don't you sleep in bed...? It's supposed to get below freezing the next few nights..."

You nodded quietly, looking down. You did not want to leave Loona's side, but....Blitz was only looking out for your health. You'd freeze to death if you slept outside. He gently brought you to his bed and you slowly laid down and he laid down beside you and he cupped your cheek and kissed you slowly and gently and you cuddled closer to him, melting into his embrace. Your worries always melted off your shoulders when Blitz was with you. You became distracted from the pain for a moment as he showed you pure love and affection. You still didn't say anything, but he could feel your gratitude for helping distract you, even if it was for just a few moments. Your eyes softened and your tail wrapped around him as you cuddled close. Blitz kissed your head softly, whispering.

"'re strong, you know.........I'm proud of you for holding on......"

You gazed up at him, your dull eyes softening and you kissed him again. He was the only one who could make you see even the smallest amount of light in the darkness.

"....I know this hurts baby.....I feel the same pain.......but Loona wouldn't want us dwelling on it forever...."

You sighed softly and nodded. You knew he was right. Loona would want you to move on...and you knew you'd have Blitz by your side no matter what....but your mind began drifting again and you cuddled closer, your heart aching. Blitz kissed your head softly, running his fingers through your hair. That night was the first time you'd actually remotely slept at all since the incident...but the sleep didn't last long. A few hours passed and Blitz could feel your heart rate spike in your sleep, and you curled up, whimpering and your claws dug into the mattress and your breathing quickened. He quickly tried to wake you from your nightmare, and you did wake, but not quietly. You let out a scream and sat bolt upright, your eyes frantically scanning the dark room, and when you sat up fast you accidentally headbutted Blitz in the face and he let out a grunt but made sure you were alright first.

You looked around desperately for Loona....and then you remembered and you broke down, bawling, but no tears came. Just dry, heavy sobs. Your vision went blurry and Blitz wrapped his arms around you, despite his busted lip. You couldn't breathe, and your whole body trembled violently. Grief reared its ugly head all over again and hit with a mighty flame. You wailed into Blitz's chest and he cried too, his body trembling gently. Moxxie and Millie both rushed into the room to investigate the screams, and they joined in the grief stricken hug. Moxxie whispered softly.

".....w-we'll g-get through this.....together........"

You're safe now. (Blitzø x reader 18+)Where stories live. Discover now