New job, new jealousy...

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You found a new job, and things seemed to be going well. You got a job as Valentino's head security guard. Valentino was one of the most well known pimps in Hell. And one of the most notorious for being one of the cruelest. But you stayed on his good side, and the job paid very well. The others seemed happy you found a steady job, but Blitz seemed almost.....jealous. Val treated you like gold. He valued you quite a lot and even protected you from the horny demons that frequented his studio. You enjoyed your job, and Val hadn't tried anything. Now, you knew Val had a reputation of being...quite the sexual deviant, and you were very aware of that. You straight up told Val if he ever tried anything with you, you would quit on the spot. Val agreed to your terms and has upheld his promise. He does occasionally flirt, but all in good fun. You don't mind the flirting. He's never made a move to touch you inappropriately, so you were fine, and felt safe. You came home very late one night to find Blitz sitting at the bar drinking a glass of alcohol.

"Good evening sir-"

He smelled Val's cigarette smoke on you and gave you a cold side eye.

"Go take a shower. You reek of him."

You were a bit startled by his sudden coldness. He'd never spoken to you in this tone before. You looked down a bit, mulling over his words in your head. "You reek of him". You left Blitz alone with his alcohol, and went quietly to the bathroom. What was his deal? You sat in the floor of the tub as the hot shower water cascaded down onto you. Blitz had never been cold to you before. ...was he jealous of Val...? You and Val had nothing but a work related sighed quietly, getting lost in thought. When you got out of the shower, you went straight to your bedroom quickly in your towel because you forgot clothes. Blitz didn't see you. Good.  Once you were dressed, you went to the kitchen for something to eat. Blitz was still there, and he was refilling his glass with alcohol. You were quiet and didn't look at him as you put some leftover food in the microwave.

"Look at me."

His tone was a bit cold still, and his words were a bit sharp. Maybe it was just the alcohol..your eyes flicked over to him quietly.

"....yes sir.....?"

He took a drink before speaking, his tone getting closer and harsher.

"That fucker ever tries anything I'll fuckin kill him."

You perked up at that.

"He promised he wouldn't do anything like that to me. And he even protects me from the needy clients. Sir...what's going on with you...? You've...been nothing but cold to me since I got home....."

"I don't care what he SAID. He can't be trusted."

You narrowed your eyes.

"You know sir, if I didn't know any better....I'd say you're super jealous. You're jealous of him because I'm around him more than you now. Is that it?"

You usually wouldn't dare talk to Blitz like this but you had had a bit to drink at work yourself, and alcohol made you argumentative and stubborn. Blitz's tail lashed slightly and he narrowed his eyes.

"Are you talking back to me...?"

"I don't know, Blitz. Am I? You're a smart guy. Figure it out."

You retorted sharply. He didn't seem to like that very much. He growled, standing up. Your eyes locked on him warily now.

"You best sit your happy ass back down.........."

You muttered, watching his movements. Your own tail lashed slowly and the tension in the room was rising. You grabbed the alcohol bottle from him and put it away.

"That's enough for tonight. You're gonna be horribly hungover in the morning."

Blitz just grumbled and started walking to his office but he stumbled and you caught him.  You helped him to the couch, and you laid him down. He looked up at you, the coldness in his eyes quickly dissolving into tears. He realized just how mean he had been being to you, and he started crying. You sighed softly and cupped his cheek, wiping his tears.

"Please don't cry..I hate seeing you cry."

He leaned his face into your hand, starting to cry more. He hated himself for treating you that way. You sighed again, laying next to him. It was a wide couch so there was room for both of you. He curled up into you and you rubbed his back softly. You gave him some medicine so he wouldn't get sick from the alcohol.

"I.....I'm so're right......I....I am jealous of him. ."

You nodded softly.

"I figured as much. Next time don't go drinkin on me okay...? You're an asshole when you're drunk......"

You whispered and he chuckled a little.

"Y-yeah...sorry about that........"

"Don't sweat it too much. I promise I'll be careful.."


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