Book One: 2

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Before Serena could answer him, Serena heard her father yelling at Justina. So she quickly got up and got her measuring tape before she got a notebook and pen out. "I'll answer that later Ciel. Please get up so I can get your measurements."

He nodded his head and he got up before he stayed still so she could get the measurements. Once she finished with his upper half he saw the elder male come into her room. "Good, I don't have to yell at you as well. How much more do you need to do?"

"Um...N-Not much. I just finished with his upper half I just need to do his lower half now."

"Glad to hear it, I'll be waiting for you in the office room. Come there when you're done Serena and we'll talk."

Serena nodded her head. "Yes sir."

Once her father left and she heard the door shut she fell to her knees as she shut her eyes. "I...I really apologize for this Ciel."

"This isn't your doing so don't say such a thing, though I must ask why did your adoptive father appoint you of all people to be around me?"

"It's because of my knowledge of you and where you came from."


Serena nodded her head once more before she finished up with his measurements. She then got up with the notebook in hand. "You can see for yourself there." She said pointing to the bookshelf on the side of the room with the pen she had in her hand "All you'll need to know is there."

Ciel nodded his head before she left out, Serena went to her adoptive father's office room and knocked on the door. "Father, I have the measurements you requested for our guest."

She was let in by Mitchel who was in the room, Mitchel shut the door behind her and she gave the notebook to her father. He looked at the measurements before he looked at her. "You did very well Serena, I'm glad I have adopted you. You seem to do much better than the women that I personally have as my daughters. Now speaking of you, you are turning fourteen in a few days, is there anything specifically you wish to have for your birthday?"

Serena shook her head no, she knew she was a burden to the family and heard it straight from the lips of the male she had to call 'father'. She didn't want to give him any more of a reason to call her one. So she wished that he'd forget about her birthday and move on with his life. Her adoptive father didn't seem to believe her and leaned forward.

"Serena, you don't need to hide yourself and what you wish to have. You've been a very obident young woman and I want to reward that. Name the gift and consider it yours."

Serena looked down sadly as she messed with her fingers nervously. "I...I miss riding a bike. The purple one you had gotten me that Justina destroyed was the only thing that made me want to go outside and play, but because it was broken by her I haven't wanted to be outside anymore." Serena said timidly

"Ah yes, I keep forgetting my dumb daughter did that to your bike. With something like that you can be outside for a long period of time and get the excersie you need for the young woman that you are. I wouldn't want you to end up getting chubby or fat like my two daughters are. So consider it gotten for you on your birthday, anything else?"

"Um...T-There's also a cute game that I'd like to have as well..I-It's called The Adventures of Cookie and Cream." Serena said timidly

"May I ask you what it's about?" Her father asked

She nodded her head. "Sure thing, the game is about Cookie and Cream who are two bunnies who are on their way home on the even of their bunny clan's moon festival. But as they are going home they get a message saying that the moon is gone and that if no one finds it there will never be another festival again. The two of them are then given a crown as a symbol of courage by the messager and they go on a journey to get the moon back. The journey they go on is a bunch of puzzles that the player needs both of them to proceed you can't finish a single level with just one or the other."

"Sounds like a game right up your alley, you're always getting into things that are about puzzles. Speaking of which, did you wish to have another jigsaw puzzle Serena? I noticed you've already finished the one that I got you for Christmas last year."

Serena nodded her head happily. "I'd like that very much. I enjoy doing the puzzles."

"I'm glad to hear that. Now continuing on, how are your clothes fitting you?"

She felt very self conconcious as he asked her about the clothes she wore. "T-They're a little tight to get on-but I'll be okay. You don't need to waste money on me for clothes. I'll just wear the other two girls hand me downs like I have in the past."

Her adopted father shook his head. "You only did that because their mother was around and she didn't want you to have your own style of clothing. Now tell me, what do you feel comfortable wearing?"

Serena's brown eyes widen hearing what he said before she sighed out and averted her eyes. "Baggy clothing, I don't like clothes that are tight on me. It itches my skin and makes me very uncomfy. I don't like wearing the bright florestent colors that the other two girls wear. I like darker color clothing. I also don't like wearing pants that much especially if they are really tight on me. I prefer skirts or dresses."

Her adoptive father was writing everything she said down on the notebook that she had given him. He then smiled at her. "Thank you for being honest with me, you're the only woman that has been in this house that has been completely honest with me."

"Y-You're welcome father. Is that all sir?"

"Yes, Mitchel and I will be going out soon to get Ciel better clothing very soon since he needs to blend in here and we're going to need to make it so people can see the child."

Serena looked at him uncertain. "W-Would you be okay if I did the spell that made him be noticed? I-I know what I need to do."

"As much as I know you are capable of doing good, I don't want you doing anything without me there. So for now I'd like for you to stay in your room and educate our guest with what is needed for him to know."

Serena nodded her head. "Yes father, I understand."

Mitchel let her out and she walked to her room before she shut the door and sighed out. "How did that talk go?" Ciel asked her curiously

"Nerve wracking...Something tells me that Justina has been kicked out of the house because of what she did to you. I was asked about things for my birthday and well...I know me being in this house is a burden to this family. They are constantly watched due to me being adopted."

"I don't mean to overstep but-have you ever wondered who your real parents are?"

"No, I've never once thought about them. Why think about people who placed me in an orphanage? From birth to the age of five I was an orphan until I was taken in by this family."

Ciel stopped looking through the book he had in his hand before he placed it back and looked at her seriously. "Ever thought about the fact that they wanted to keep you safe? Do you have any keep sakes from your blood parents?"

She shook her head no "I wasn't given anything to know where I came from."

"I see, and getting your medical record to find out who your parents are is going to be difficult. If only I had sebastian."

Serena let out a small sigh and sat on her bed. "You lean against that demon too much, you need to learn to do things on your own. He's not going to be around you forever Ciel." Serena said before she went to grab a book and was silent as she read the book

Ciel huffed out as he crossed his arms, he knew she was right but it didn't mean that he liked the idea of being all on his own

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