Book Two: 18

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Serena looked at him unamused. "There's nothing for us to talk about Ian." She said shaking her head as she turned her music off before she went to leave her room only for him to grab her arm and pulled her into him.

He wrapped his arms around her tightly as his face went into her neck. "Serena...I truly do love you. I didn't have the time to go up to your room to talk to you about what my father was forcing me to do. Please just let me talk to you, I know that you are severely hurt and you have every right to push people out of your life-but I...I really wanted us to work out."

Hearing his words she shut her eyes and she sighed out before she opened her eyes once more. "Ian let go of me."

Slowly he did before she turned around and she slapped him hard against the face. "If you think for one fucking moment that I was going to let you talk to me after your pity note you are dead fucking wrong! Yes I am heart broken, yes I am pushing people out of my damn life. I don't want to be hurt anymore! As it is the only constants in my life right now are my father and Justin! I can't take people coming and going into my life anymore! It hurts me too damn much to constantly get close to someone just for them to leave me!"

Ian held his face where she hit him only for him to frown and look down ashamed. " have no interest in being with me again do you?"

She just scoffed and walked off-giving her answer right there and then. Serena chose to go into the next room over which was going to be the room she'd use for her new hobby for art. Lucas came back up with her father only to see that she wasn't in her room but the room across from it. Lucas sat in the doorway as he saw what she was doing. "I didn't know you were into art."

"It's a new hobby I've gotten myself into since I've chosen to quit music." Serena stated

Lucas looked stunned. "Why would you quit music? You have a beautiful singing voice Serena."

"As flattering as that is-me being in music has made me lose a lot of people....I don't want anyone else to be gone." Serena stated seriously

Lucas leaned his head against his knee as he heard her speak. "I that shooting did affect you. Here I thought you were brushing it off as it off as if it was nothing."

Serena stopped what she was doing and looked at Lucas sadly. "I was scared shitless the entire time, I didn't show it because it wouldn't have helped my situation. My anxiety was through the roof that day...knowing that so many died because of some jealous pompous made me realize that I shouldn't have been in Chorus to begin with. Had I not pursued being in music a lot of people would still be alive and my father would still be with the woman he loved so dearly."

Lucas got up and he went up to her before he placed his hands on her shoulders. "You shouldn't stop doing what you love because of someone else being an idiot who doesn't know how to use their words Serena. You have an amazing talent and you should use that talent where you can." He said sincerely to her

Serena looked down sadly before she shook her head. "I swore after what happened with Justin's mother that I would never sing or perform ever again. I don't wish to be the reason why someone loses someone precious to them." Serena said sadly

Lucas made her look up at him and he brushed her hair away from her face. "Serena, that wasn't your fault. You need to realize that and come to the grasp that Zackary was mentally fucked up in the head. It had nothing to do with you. Sure he was after you-but you weren't the only one he was after. As you should know he has always been sexist and that's never going to change." He said sincerely to her

She held onto his hand that was on her face as she shut her eyes. "I...I don't know Lucas." She said as she looked up at him

"Your father told Ian and I that he wasn't going to enroll you guys until next week-so think about it alright?" Lucas said as he tilted his head to the side

"Okay...I'll think about it."

He gave her a small smile. "Good, glad to hear you'll at least think about coming back to being in Chorus."

Mark soon came into the room and looked around. "This room is rather bare Serena."

"I know, I don't have that much art stuff." Serena stated

"Well, your birthday is coming up in two months. So if things work out you might get a few things for this room come then."

Lucas looked at her intrigued. "Your birthday is in May?"

She nodded her head. "It is."

"What day?"

"The forth."

"Ahn...your birthday is before my own."

She took a few steps back away from him. "Say what now? I never knew your birthday was in may."

"Yeah, it's the nineth."

Serena tilted her head to the side. "Well that's interesting."

"Mhm, I had no idea your birthday was before mine. That's an interesting fact I didn't think I'd find out about."Lucas said with a grin

Serena looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "When you had first asked me out before all this nonsense happened...did you even think to ask me when my birthday was or were you just going to ask Justin who knows next to nothing about me?"

Lucas stiffened up hearing her speak, he realized that it hadn't occurred to him to even ask her about when her birthday was. When she saw him avert his eyes-she knew that he wasn't even going to try to get to know her. She shook her head and sighed out. "And this is partly why I chose to tell you to keep that stupid fucking bear a month ago."

She then went past her father to head downstairs to talk with Justin, and to let him know to never let Ian or Lucas know anything about her that he knew about. She didn't want them to think that she was going to play easy to get. 

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