Book Two: 2

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When Mark saw Serena, she had a cast on both of her arms and her right leg. "Afternoon Sweetie, how do you feel?" Mark asked as he sat by her

"Other than not being able to feel my arms and leg-just peachy."

"I know you probably don't want to relive what happened to you but I need to know exactly what had happened to you the day you got shot."

Serena let out a sigh as she shut her eyes. "Lucas and I were in the chorus room waiting for the other students to get into the room, Lucas and I were talking for a short period of time before he had asked me out. After that we heard gun shots, we hid in the room and I called you. After calling you Zack chose to kick around some of the chairs which was when Lucas had gotten his attention...Lucas tried to keep Zack from harming me. Lucas lied to Zack about things just to get Zack to calm down, apparently Zack really hated all of the girls in chorus and he hated that the teacher picked Lucas to do the duets for the Chorus concert. So Zack had shot the girls who were supposed to be in the class and our teacher."

Mark had started a voice recording once Serena had began to speak, just so he could have her statement. He didn't want to interrupt her so he kept quiet as he heard her speak.

"Lucas had managed to get the gun from Zack and get him to move away from the gun. Which was when I chose to get out of where I was hiding to let Zack know that it wasn't just lucas around since Zack had asked about me. He apparently has this vendetta against me since he saw just how I acted around Lucas. Zack didn't like that and wanted to kill me because he wanted Lucas to himself-when Lucas doesn't swing that way. When I had gotten out of hiding I had used my sleeves to pick up the gun and told both of them that they weren't leaving after I knew what Zack had done. That apparently surprised Zack and he was annoyed that Lucas had stood up for me and hid me from him."

Mark looked at her sadly but still didn't say anything to her yet.

"My hands shook the entire time I held that stupid gun. At the time I didn't know that Lucas had lied to Zack about what he had said-so I wanted Lucas to tell Zack the truth about what had happened before Zack had gotten Trigger happy. Zack didn't like that he had asked me out and I had said yes to him. Lucas tried to convince me that he actually liked me and he slipped the gun from my hands so I wouldn't shoot him. I never wanted to shoot him, I just elbowed him in the gut before I took the gun back before I gave it back to Zack-at that time my depression was getting the better of me. I didn't care what had happened to me. So I told Zack to shoot me since he wanted to kill me anyways."

Mark tried his hardest not to say anything, but hearing his little girl talk about wanting to die-it was hard for me to stay quiet. He knew that Serena had a hard time with her depression, he saw her struggling with it every day. Now knowing that it was because of her depression that led to her getting shot it made sense as to why she didn't once cry about the pain she had been in.

Serena let out a shaky sigh before she continued to speak. "Zack was shocked that I asked him to do so. So I'll admit that I had provoked Zack to shoot me. But I also gave him insight into my life. I told him I was your daughter, I told him that he'd give Ciel a reason to hate me and let his inner anger out on him. I also mentioned that he was sexist for killing the females that he had killed-that they were sisters and daughters to people. That our Chorus teachers wife and children are going to have to grieve over the fact that he was gone just because he was being a petty childish child over something he had no control over. He was stunned that I would think so deep into other people, I called him a stupid jealous ass bastard for what he had done. I also told him how much I've noticed about him since I was in chorus. His narcissistic thought of life always annoyed me and I tried to ignore it since he would be so childish about it. I told then to stop acting like a five year old since he was two years older than me. And to start acting his damn age-he apparently didn't like that so he shot me in my right arm first. I told him that he missed his mark and called him chicken since he wasn't focused at all. That's when he started to shoot like an insane person missing me completely."

Mark placed the recorder down on the bed as he looked at her sadly. He wasn't liking a single thing that was coming out of his daughters mouth. He hated that his daughter had gotten caught up in a school shooting like she had. He was thankful that she was still alive-but at the same time he wished she didn't have to show just how brave she could be due to someone who knew next to nothing about her.

"Once Zack had calmed down, I requested to Lucas to get out of the room-I knew at any point in time you'd come to the school with whatever officers you could. You've never been in the music wing before so I asked him to escort you to the chorus room. So he left out, after he did Zack went berserk on me saying that Lucas doesn't deserve to be around me-that if I wanted to die so badly, that he'd make it happen which is when he got me in my other arm and my leg. By that time you came in with the other officers."

Mark stopped the recording and he leaned forward as he looked at her sadly. " brave as you were, you were completely stupid. Why would you put yourself in danger like that?"

"Lucas was going to leave with a killer father. I couldn't let him leave, I didn't want there to a chase just to find the moron who killed so many innocent people. I was friends with those girls that he shot-I liked my chorus teacher. He was one of the few teachers that I actually got along with in that school. I didn't want their death to be in vain." Serena said sadly

Mark sighed out and got up before he kissed the top of her head softly. "I'm glad you are still alive and that he never once got close to a vital organ...but if there is a next time please stay hidden. I don't like worrying about you sweetie."

"Okay...I can promise you that. The shots that I took hurt really bad papa."

"I bet, Justin and Ciel are here-they've been worried sick about you so I'm going to let them see you alright?"

"Okay papa."

Once Mark left, the first to see her was Justin who looked very concerned for her. "How do you feel Serena?"

"Like utter crap. I was told it's going to be a while before I am able to work my arms and my leg."

"I have to ask-why the fuck were you so damn stupid?"

"You're asking about why I stood up for myself because some narcissistic asshole wanted to kill me?" Serena asked unamused

Justin looked at her sadly. "Really? that's what happened?"

"Yes, the only saving grace was that Lucas had stood up for me and tried to protect me."

Justin said nothing and sighed out before he gave her a light hug. "I won't say anything right now. I just hope you'll feel better soon sis."

" do I."

After Justin left, Ciel came into the room and he looked at her sadly. "Serena, what the bloody hell happened in the Chorus room?"

Serena gave him a shorten version of what happened, afterwards Ciel shook his head. "So...he does know how to not think just about himself. Honestly I don't like Lucas but if he did stand up for you I can't be too mad at him."

"He isn't athletic nor does he like to do anything that involves him getting overly active. He has a bad heart condition that I overheard him talking to Zack about a year or so ago. If he does too much his heart will stop working."

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