Book One: 22

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As it came to be two weeks, Serena didn't show any type of emotion as she sat beside Ciel behind her father and his lawyer. When she saw her mother sitting beside her own lawyer, Serena saw the female looking back to her only for her to avert her eyes away from her mother. As the judge came in she stood up until she was told to sit down, afterwards the court hearing began. The Judge looked at her father first. "Chief police Mark, you were the one who had asked for this hearing am I correct?"

Mark nodded his head. "Yes your honor, that is correct."

"Then you will start off this hearing and what you wish to get out of this hearing." The judge stated

Mark got up and nodded his head once more. "Of course your honor. I first wish to recap on the hearing before this one with my ex-wife Mindy. Due to her not coming here after her pregnancy it was known that she had been pregnant with my child but she had placed the child in an orphanage. It took me fourteen years just to find my child. Which she was jailed for not going through with the hearings orders." Mark explained

"Is your child here today Chief mark?" The judge asked

"Yes my child is." Mark said before he looked behind him to Serena. "Her name is Serena. she's been living with me for the last three weeks."

Serena got up and went up to the divider, the judge smiled at her. "How have you been Serena?"

"While being around my papa? I've been really good, he's taken really good care of me your honor." She said with a smile

"That's good to hear. Now Chief it is my understanding that you wanted this hearing to go a certain way is that true?"

"Yes your honor it is. You see before this hearing Serena wished to talk to her mother, she was afraid of how her mother would treat her when her mother would see that I had found her. So I took her to the jail where Mindy was held up in and the two of them talked for fifteen minutes. Within that time Serena's fears about her mother faded due to whatever questions she had asked my ex-wife. After Serena had left to wait for me, I spoke with my ex-wife myself."

"And how did that fair out?" The judge asked

"Well, her and I had our first heart to heart conversation without either one of us yelling in years. I am guessing whatever Serena said to her, made her realize that not everything was okay." Mark stated "I'd like it if Mindy was pardoned for her past crimes and instead her being placed on house arrest. Where she is to take care of her and I's daughter, Mindy was only twenty two when she had our daughter. She was scared and all on her own. I wish to be able to see if she has learnt her lesson at all and see if she has what it takes to take care of our daughter now that she's a teenager."

The judge looked at Mindy. "You are aware of what will happen if you are to be on house arrest yes?"

"I won't be able to go anywhere without permission, I will be visited monthly to see if I have improved at all and I will have a permanent scar on my name."

"That is correct, Miss Mindy are you sure you wish to now take care of your daughter?" The judge asked

"After talking with her two weeks ago-yes, I wish to show her that I can be her mother and I can take care of her."

The judge placed down her gabble "Miss Mindy Stewart, you are granted two years of house arrest. In two years we will review what has happened and see whether or not you will be let off of house arrest or not."

Mindy was stunned to hear what was said before she was uncuffed and she went up to mark hugging him thanking him. Serena was unamused as she looked at Ciel. "Let's wait for my father outside out the court room."

Ciel nodded his head and went outside of the court room with her, as they waited Ciel could tell something was bothering her. "Are you alright Serena?"

"No, I'm not. That woman is only going to use my father and I hate that he is still smitten for her. I don't ever want to see her as my mother figure. What mother would toss out their daughter like she had me? I don't feel as if she should have been pardoned. But it's not my place to say." She said with a sigh

"You truly dislike your mother don't you?" Ciel asked curiously

She nodded her head "I do, I will not trust her or show her compassion. She has not earned it."

At that time Mindy and Mark came out of the court room. "Serena why did you leave the court room, I wanted to talk to you." Mindy said sadly

"Well mindy, I had no reason to be there. So I waited out here for my father to finish talking with you." Serena said with her arms crossed

"Serena she's your mother, please try to have a bit of respect for her." Mark said sadly

Serena looked up at her father seriously. "You may still have somewhere in your heart for her-but I do not. I don't know this woman like you do. She needs to earn my respect. I refuse to call her my mother until I know she can act the part. Just because she gave birth to me doesn't mean that I should automatically call her my mother. she gave me up to the worst orphanage out there just because she didn't want to have the dedication to something she did to herself." Serena said seriously

Mark sighed out and looked at Mindy. "I'm sorry but she has a point, I'm not going to be able to get through to her. She's just as stubborn as you are once she makes her mind up on something."

Mindy smiled weakly at Mark before she looked at Serena. "If I need to earn your respect as your mother so be it, I will do what I can to show you that I can be your mother. I want us to be a family once more Serena."

"Then work towards that." Serena said seriously before she looked at her father. "Papa, will we be going to uncle's to get Ciel's paper work?"

"Yes we will, it is important that we get that before we get him enrolled into the school with you." Mark said with a nod of his head

"Ciel? Who is that?" Mindy asked confused

Ciel stepped close to Serena and smiled. "That would be me ma'am, I happen to be a dear friend to your daughter that lives with her and her father."

"Oh I see...your accent. You're from the United Kingdom aren't you child?"

"Yes I am. Very perceptive of you Ma'am."

"Please, you can call me Mindy." She said with a smile

Ciel's smile faded as he looked at the female seriously. "You have me your name but not your own daughter? Do you think that she's truly that stupid?"

Mindy's smile faded hearing the serious tone that Ciel had. "I..I don't know what to tell you."

"Your daughter told me she told you her name, but you never said yours. Why is that?"

Mindy was speechless which made Serena shake her head. "Father may we go"

"We can in just a moment. Mindy needs to get her clothes first so she isn't leaving with the prison clothes." Mark stated

Serena nodded her head and she waited as Mark left with Mindy to get her clothes, when the two kids were left alone Serena looked at Ciel. "Why did you say what you had to her?"

"I was merely curious that's all, I don't want her to think that she can win you over by being friendly towards me. Sure, you and I are friends-but that doesn't mean that I will disrespect your reasons for why you aren't respecting that woman. I see your reasons and I don't wish to lose you as a friend by trying to make sense as to why that dunce of a woman chose to not raise you." Ciel said unamused

Serena laughed and smiled hearing him speak. "Thank you for saying that Ciel, it makes me happy to hear that you'd say that."

"Your welcome Serena, I value the friendship you and I have right now. Especially since you and I made the deal that we had between one another. I wouldn't wish to go against that." He said with a smile

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