Book Three: 4

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The next day when Serena woke up, she had to remember what had happened the previous night since she had no recollection of what had happened to her or why she was in such a large bed with a slight bit of weight on top of her. When she looked around her she realized that Ciel had her in a tight hold and both of them were naked. Serena pried herself out of his arms and she went to find her clothes only to see them with her small purse on a dresser. She went into the purse to take a day after pill knowing that they had went from the library to his own chambers the night before.

The amount of times that he had chosen to sleep with her the previous night was just too much for her body to comprehend, she had no idea that what was keeping her up at night previously was the fact that she was sexually frustrated. Even though Justina would always pick on her for the fact that she had been sexually frustrated-the fact that it was true, really was upsetting to her. She didn't think that she would be sexually frustrated like she had been. But she felt as if a heavy weight was no longer over her as she got herself dressed.

When she had finally dressed herself she took one last look at Ciel before she left out without a word. She went to her car and went back to the apartment she lived with Justina to take a shower. When she got out and dressed in comfortable clothes, she had gotten called by Ciel. She answered it. "Don't tweak out on me Ciel, I had to go back to get my things and to tell Justina and Emily that I'm no longer working at the diner. Not to mention pack what I have. I'll be back there before the night is out."

"Oh...How did you know why I was calling you for?"

"You are more than predictable Ciel, I left you without a word while you were snoring like a child." Serena stated unamused

The line was quiet for a moment before she sighed out. "That's what I thought. I'll be back there soon. You can't really expect me to be there without my things. Unless you want me to be unhappy Ciel."

"No-no, I wouldn't want that Rena, do what you need to do. I'll see you later." He said before he quickly hung up

Serena let out a sigh and shook her head. "And that is why I'm not going back there. Stupid ass Ciel. If you can't even vocalize that you love me I'm not going to be there you piece of shit." She muttered to herself.

She then turned her phone off and chose to spend the holiday with Justina and Emily, she was more than happy to enjoy her holiday with her two cousins. While she drank with her cousins, she had gone off on them about what had happened with Ciel the previous night and the call that she had gotten from him as well. Emily and Justina looked at her sadly as they heard her complain about how if he really loved her he would verbalize that he did.

Justina placed a hand on her shoulder sadly. "Cousin...tell us honestly. Do you even love Ciel?"

"YES! Which is why I'm angry and upset that he isn't even verbalizing that he loves me! If he cares about me even in the slightest he should have said the words to me. Fucking isn't going to make me feel like he 'loves' me. It just shows me that he can't keep his damn hands to himself." Serena said sadly

Emily and Justina looked at one another before they got up. "We'll be back in a bit, you enjoy your drink cousin." Emily said sincerely to her

Serena just nodded her head and downed her drink before getting another as Emily and Justina went to where Ciel lived to give him a piece of their minds. When they got to the manor they called out for Ciel only to see him walk down the stairs. "Emily...Justina...Where's Rena?"

"You bastard! How the fuck could you think that she'd be here if you can't even tell her that you love her?!" Emily hissed out

Ciel was quiet for a moment "Does it matter that much if I do? I thought I made it rather clear last night."

"Oh right, like fucking a woman with rape PTSD is the perfect fucking way to show and tell her that you 'love her'. Are you fucking stupid?!" Justina said sarcastically and irate

Ciel stopped half way down the steps hearing Justina speak. "So...So she's not coming back is she? She lied to me didn't she?"

"What gave you that fucking idea genius!?" Emily hissed out

"Serena is getting herself drunk off of her ass because she believes you don't love her, that you fucked her just to get under her damn skin! If you actually gave a fuck about her you need to do more than just physically show that you care about her. You need to verbally tell that traumatized woman that you love the hell out of her otherwise someone else will come around and tell her everything that she needs to hear just to be in love with them." Justina stated seriously

Ciel looked down sadly as he realized what he had done to Serena. He took a deep breath and continued down the stairs before he looked at the two women. "I wish to make things right, but not tonight. Serena obviously needs to let off steam so in due time I will find her again and I will speak with her. It's obvious that I went too quick with her."

"Yeah-no shit." Emily said with her arms crossed

"We'll give you until after New Years to make things right with her. If by then you cannot you need to move the hell on child." Justina stated seriously

"Fine, I can agree to that."

Emily and Justina then left out, when they got back to the apartment where Justina and Serena lived in. They saw a male that only Justina knew. "Ian? How the fuck did you find Serena?"

"I've always been in touch with Serena since my parents and elder brother went to jail for killing her father." Ian stated with a smile "We've been talking on and off for a while now."

Justina tilted her head to the side a bit. "So...You're here..why now?"

"I wanted to surprise Rena, plus she's my only friend that I have left from school." Ian said with a smile

Emily sat down and she grabbed her drink from the table. "So...What history do you have with our little cousin?"

"Well, once upon a time her and I dated. But after shit hit the fan well...she hadn't trusted me to date her again. Which I don't blame her, I didn't have a back bone back then to stand up to my parents."

"I see, so you two have been friends for a while then huh?" Emily asked curiously


"So what are you doing with yourself nowadays?" Justina asked as she sat down by Serena

"I'm the CEO of a new candy distributor. I actually came here to ask Serena if she'd like to try to date again since I can provide for her and I." Ian stated

Justina raised an eyebrow and looked at Serena. "So cousin...what's your decision?"

"I don't know...I need time to think about what I decide to do. What did Ciel say when you went to see him?"

"We have him until new years day to tell you how he truly felt about him since he shouldn't have done to you what he had last night." Emily stated

Serena looked at Ian. "Can you give me until then to think about what you've asked of me please?" Serena asked sadly

Ian took her hand and kissed the top of it softly. "Of course, I'll await as long as you need me to. I don't want you to feel like you should pick one person or another. Just know that I'll be okay with whatever you chose to do." Ian said before he got up and left out.

Once he did Serena leaned back against the couch. "Why the hell am I in a damn love triangle?! I don't need this shit!" She whined out

Justina and Emily looked at each other and laughed as they then looked at Serena. "You are a young beautiful woman Serena. Of course you'd have males wanting to be with you." Justina said with a small grin

Show me how to Love [Modern Au] Ciel Phantomhive love storyWhere stories live. Discover now