Book One: 24

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Dinner that night was awkward since Serena had to help Mindy not burn everything she was making-Serena still didn't say a single word to her. The only time Mindy heard Serena speak was when she spoke to Ciel. It was obvious that Serena truly didn't see her as her mother and she was truly going to have to work hard for the title of her 'mother'. That night Mindy saw that the two of them slept together on the pull out bed in the living room which made her confused.

"Serena, Ciel-why don't you two have your own beds?" Mindy asked them confused

Serena looked very tired and plopped down face first into her pillow, which Ciel knew that she was mentally too tired to talk so he spoke up in her stead. "Noah was supposed to send the big bed we had before here but because he's a sleazy male who goes against his word we have had to cope with sleeping on here since being here." Ciel explained

"Isn't it weird to be sleeping beside her?" Mindy asked him

"No, not really. I'm actually very used to having her beside me. I get frequent nightmares which she helps soothe down." Ciel stated shaking his head

"I see...well good night both of you."

Mindy then turned the light off before she went into the kitchen waiting for Mark to come back, Mindy couldn't believe just how different the experience was than it should have been. She didn't think she'd have to fight for the love of her daughter-but Serena was just as stubborn as she's been so she knew it was going to be a while before she'd be able to have a conversation with her. All of the chores that she should have done Serena took care of with Ciel's help.

Mindy felt so out of place in the apartment, when she looked around the apartment she noticed the empty room that should have been Serena's. It made her feel as if she should do something about it, it wasn't long after she had her thought about helping Serena out that she heard the door shut and lock. Mindy went towards the living room to see that Mark had came back home.

"Welcome home Mark."

"Thanks Mindy-how was today?" Mark asked softly

Mindy frowned and shook her head as she hugged herself, Mark motioned for her to follow him into the kitchen and she did quietly. Once they got into the kitchen they sat across from one another after Mindy had given him what was saved for him for dinner. "Serena had to help me make this...I'm not good at cooking...or anything really." Mindy said sadly

"You truly have had a pampered life in the past huh?" Mark asked

"Yeah, I never had to pick up a finger to do anything. Now starting from the ground up I feel useless especially since its our daughter who is teaching me things and she isn't even talking to me. She never spoke a single word to me about anything the entire time you were gone. She only spoke to that kid Ciel." Mindy said sadly

"You can't think that she'll just magically call you 'mother'. What you did was heartless, I'm not going to force Serena to do anything she doesn't want to do. She doesn't know you like I do." Mark said seriously

"I know...but I do wish to show her that I'm not that bad of a person...Do you work tomorrow Mark?"

"No, why do you ask?"

"I saw the empty room that's supposed to be for Serena-I want to make it unique like her. After observing her today, I have an idea of what I want to do." Mindy said with her hands together

"That's a step in the right direction. I can help you out with that-It doesn't really surprise me that our daughter is a tom boy. After seeing how her cousins are like it was no wonder she didn't want to be like them." Mark said with a smile

Mindy nodded her head. "That's will you help me out?"

"Of course, I've been meaning to do something about how those two are sleeping. What's your idea Mindy?"

"I don't care of those two sleep in the same room but not on the same bed-so I was thinking bunk beds."

Mark shook his head. "Serena has a fear of heights and Ciel can't function properly in the morning, he'll fall off the ladder too easily."

She huffed out. "Alright, so what about twin beds on either side of the room? That way they have their own space?"

Mark hummed out in thought. "I can see that working-both of them are small enough that it should work for them."

"I was also thinking...could we visit my parents? I want them to see that I'm out of jail. I...I'd like to show them that I'm not a complete disappointment."

"I don't think that's a good idea. They bashed you for being with me when I was still a policeman in training." Mark said shaking his head. "Do you really think that it's a good idea for you to see them after so long?"

"We have a beautiful young daughter who is beyond smart-I believe if that if they found out that Serena is as beautifully intelligent as she is, they'd see that they were wrong to have bashed you. Especially now that you are the police chief fourteen years later." Mindy said with a smile "Anyways, those two owe me for all of the things they said they'd some day 'pay me back' for. I want to cash in on that before it's too late for me to do so."

Mark let out a sigh and shook his head as he finished eating his dinner. "I don't know, we're going to have to wait to do that part until after Serena is out of school tomorrow since I want to make sure that Serena knows where her mother came from to give her a bit of an understanding as to how different you are compared to your stiff up the ass parents."

Mindy laughed hearing him speak. "Yeah, we can do that. So...where am I sleeping tonight?" Mindy asked as she saw him get up to take care of his plate and fork

He turned to look at her afterwards before he pulled her up and kissed her on the lips. "Where do you think you're sleeping tonight Mindy?"

"I...I'm already falling in love with you again, you're making it very hard to move slowly with you Mark."

He grinned and let out a low chuckle. "I never said that we had to take things that slow Mindy."

She looked up at him bashfully before she kissed him on the lips, in the living room Serena hadn't completely fallen asleep and she heard her parents talk before she heard them walk past Ciel and her to go into her fathers room. She grabbed her headphones and plugged them into her mp3 player that Nile got for her to tune out the sounds she knew she'd hear from her parents room. She soon fell asleep as she held onto Ciel's hand lightly. The next day Ciel woke her up and she thanked him before she got herself ready for school. Afterwards she helped him out before she noticed that both her father and Mindy were still asleep.

She rolled her eyes and went to the kitchen to get both of them food to eat. Afterwards she looked at Ciel. "Let's go, father should have already enrolled you into the school yesterday."

Ciel nodded his head and he kept his hand with hers as they walked from the apartment to the school. When they got to the school Serena took Ciel to the office about him being enrolled in the school. She was then told that he was going to be a new student in her class and to take him to her classroom to see the teacher. She thanked the secretary and left out with Ciel to the middle school wing on the second floor. Ciel was slightly frightened about how big the place was. "This place is rather big Serena...I'm going to get lost for sure." He said sadly

Serena smiled as she looked at him. "It's okay, stay by me. Our teacher will know what to do for you Ciel." She said happily


When they got to the homeroom class she went up to Mitchel. "Mitchel-Ciel starts school today."

Mitchel looked up from his computer and smiled at the duo. "Ah, morning Ciel, it's good to see you again. I was told I was getting you as a home room student. Now I've already taken the liberty to getting your schedule and it's exactly like Serena's. So stay beside Serena and you'll be fine."

"But she has music classes-I'm not musically inclined as she is." Ciel said sadly

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