Book One: 20

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The next day Serena went with Mark and Ciel to court so Mark would have full custody over her. Serena was placed up on the stand to speak about how she had been treated. The first to go up to her to speak was Noah's lawyer. "So Serena, you've vowed to speak the truth. so you can't go and lie now. How have you honestly been treated around my clients home?"

"Honestly? Like crap-I would lie to the CPS lady just so I didn't go through a foster home. I fear how much more crappy I would be treated. Noah and his family never really made me feel like I was a part of their family. When I would get sick I'd still have to go on throughout my life as if nothing was wrong. But if the others would get sick god forbid Noah's little angels caught a cold. I would be in charge of taking care of them. I'd have to miss school just to take care of them-even though Noah works from home. He could have easily taken care of his own children. I would always get served last and with a forth of what they are given and never allowed to get more than that-birthdays and holidays were out of the question. Not to mention if I needed anything, say new clothes I'd have to get hand me downs from the other girls in that family who are completely different from me." Serena said seriously

"And it is to my recollection that you had a sexual affair with one of his children is that correct?" The lawyer asked

Serena teared up instantly hearing that. "NO THAT'S NOT CORRECT! HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT TO ME!?" She shouted before she began to hyperventilate and hug herself breaking down into tears. "I was raped! Tyler forced himself onto me when Noah and Mitchel were gone from the house! Noah had kicked Justina out of the house for a stupid reason just like he had for Emily and that was all tyler needed to force himself onto me!"

The lawyer rolled his eyes and leaned against the stand. "So you're telling me you've never once tried to seduce him?"

"NO! Do I look like I'd ever do that?!" She asked through her tears

"You're female it's obvious-

"Your honor he's getting off topic, please stop this. She's already been traumatized by her past, so she shouldn't have to relive it." Mark's lawyer stated seriously

"I see no reason for the crass questions, either change your questions or sit your ass down." The judge stated to the lawyer

Noah's lawyer composed himself before he cleared his throat. "I have nothing more to ask."

Mark's lawyer instantly went up to her and gave her a tissue. "That was uncalled for, are you going to be alright Serena?"

"N-No, but thank you for the tissue." She said sadly before she blew her nose.

"So it seems like a DNA test was done. Mark and you have a 99.9% DNA match-before then, had you known he was your father?" The lawyer asked

Serena shook her head. "No, I hadn't. But I did feel as if I was closer to him than to the meanie that adopted me." Serena said sadly

"And you've lived with him for the past few days, yes?" The lawyer asked

"Yes, I have. I wanted to know how much my real father would treat me versus the male who adopted me."

"And how did that fair out for you?"

"I was able to have a better experience with him than around the male who adopted me. I was fed more, I was actually loved and he actually was interested in what I was doing in school. Which the male who adopted me never really cared for." Serena said with a small smile. "I love my papa, I wished I knew he was my papa before now."

Mark held onto his chest where his heart was. It was obvious the words that Serena said melted his heart-unlike with Noah who was glaring at Serena. Without her around him-he'd lose the checks he'd get to support her. Which would mean he wouldn't be able to laze about anymore. Everything that he had gotten because of CPS helping him out with raising Serena would go down the toilet just because she chose to be around Mark instead of him.

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