Book One: 18

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After the assembly, Serena was taken home with Ciel for the rest of the day. Serena didn't smile or was cheerful at all the entire time. Instead she chose just to play on her DS and keep quiet. She isolated herself which concerned not only her father but Ciel as well. Throughout the entire day Serena refused to speak and instead nodded or shook her head to questions. Ciel didn't know what was going on with her but it concerned him dearly. As it came to them sleeping, she slept away from him with her back towards him, which he didn't like at all. It was like she was separating herself from him. It made him feel like she was punishing herself for speaking up and standing up for herself.

Then it hit him that she must have felt guilty for what had happened in the school that day. Ciel placed his hand softly on her arm making her look at him with a raised eyebrow. "Serena, I must ask-are you punishing yourself for what you had said today?"

Serena's brown eyes teared up hearing his question before she nodded her head, he let out a small tired sigh. Ciel pulled her closely to him before he softly kissed the top of her head. "Serena, it's okay. You don't have to punish yourself for something that needed to be said to those jerks. They shouldn't have been so mean to you, you've done nothing to deserve their ill words." He spoke softly to her

Serena held onto him tightly before she broke down crying against him, he rubbed her back softly and let her get her tears out before he fell asleep with her in his arms. The next day the two of them woke up around eleven in the morning only for Serena to freak out when she realized how late it was. She went to get something to eat before she went to take her medication. Ciel got something to eat as he sat beside Serena. "It's very quiet here."

"It is...I wonder if my dad is home." Serena said before she got up and walked around the apartment only to see that it was just the two of them.

She went back into the kitchen and sat back down. "Looks like it's just us. My dad must be at work."

"Are you going to be okay with being here with me?" Ciel asked curiously

She nodded her head. "Why wouldn't I be okay with that? The whole reason for you even being here is sadly because of me."

Ciel raised an eyebrow at her. "Truly?"

"Truly, even though it was Justina who had managed to get you to be here-she did it because of a stupid bet between the two of us. She didn't think that I could do something and as of right of right now I don't think that I can do that bet. I don't want things to change between us." Serena explained

Ciel tilted his head to the side. "Now you have me curious Serena."

Serena took a deep breath and looked at him sadly. "Promise you won't laugh at me."

"I can't make any such promise to you Serena. But I will be as logical as possible if that helps."

"Sorta? But um...The bet was for me to confess how I felt for you." Serena said bashfully


Serena sighed out as she looked at him sadly. "Ciel-I...I really like you. Like I borderline have serious romantic feelings for you." She said sadly

He was quiet for a moment, he tried to keep in mind all of the things that she has done for him. He knew if he treated her any differently that he wouldn't have anyone to soothe the nightmares he'd have. He also knew that he couldn't go back to the world he was once in, so he wasn't caged into a marriage that he wanted nothing to do with, with a woman he only saw as family. He soon looked up at her before he gave her a small smile.

"For the time that I've been here with you Serena, I'm starting to form my own crush on you as well. But I believe it's too soon for either one of us to get involved in a relationship don't you think? We barely know one another personally and it's too soon after what had happened for you to be in a relationship. If you want to build up a friendship that could possible go into a romantic relationship, that I wouldn't mind. I truly enjoy the time that I've spent around you Serena."

Serena's eyes widened in shock as she heard him speak "R-Really?!

"Why do you seem so shocked? Do you really think that after all the times you've shown you gave a damn about me that I'd just ignore them?"

She averted her eyes sheepishly. "Kinda yeah. You aren't known for being the nicests of people Ciel."

Ciel got up from his seat before he went up to her making her look him in his good eye. "Listen Serena, I'm being completely honest with you. I would never repay the kindess you've given me with a cynical answer or with harshness. I enjoy seeing you smile, laughing and giving me company. It makes me feel as if I'm not all that different from the children around here." He spoke sincerely

Serena's face went slightly red as she heard him speak. "R-Really?"

"Yes, I mean it. I wouldn't say nonsense to you Serena."

She placed her hand of his. "I...I'd really like it if we'd have a friend ship that could possible be more later on."

"Glad to hear it. How about we play a game while we wait for your father to come home?"

She nodded her head happily "I'd like that lots."

The two of them went to the living room before they placed the bed back into the couch together before they used the coffee table as a flat surface to play the games that Mark had in the apartment. Some of them Serena knew how to play-others...not so much. Serena enjoyed teaching and playing the games with Ciel even if they both got competitive over some of the games. When mark came home he saw that the two of them were playing hungry hungry hippo and Serena had won as Ciel was blowing up due to her 'cheating' at the game.

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