Book one: 33

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It was a few hours before Ciel and Justin had came down to see Serena drinking a cup of tea. Ciel was confused as to why Serena was in the living room instead of taking care of her room. "Serena shouldn't you be upstairs helping Lizzy with you two's room?" Ciel asked confused

Serena shook her head. "Sick." She said before she quickly placed her cup down and coughed

Justin went up to her concerned. "You over did yourself didn't you kid?"

Serena nodded her head. "Happens sometimes, I have a weak immune system. Papa told me to stay here."

Justin frowned as he got up. "Well I hope you'll get better." He said before he looked to Ciel "let's get something to eat then get back upstairs."

Ciel frowned and nodded his head as they went to the kitchen, after they got something to eat Kendall got Justin's attention. "Hey sweetie, mind giving this soup to Serena? She threw up earlier and this should help with her stomach."

"Sure thing Ma." Justin said with a nod of his head before he grabbed the bowl from his mother and took it out to Serena

Serena thanked him before she ate the soup silently as the two males went back upstairs. When they did Justin went into Lizzy and Serena's room which confused him. He looked into the room to see that only half of it was done. Lizzy's eyes lit up seeing him. "Ciel! Help me out please?"

"Why can't you do it yourself? I am having trouble doing things on my own as it is."

Lizzy pouting. "Oh...okay."

Ciel rolled his eyes and he went back to the room only for him to try to figure things out himself. After a bit he saw Serena come into the room. She looked very ill but she said nothing to him as she was quiet as she put his bed together, she pushed him out of the way just to get everything in the right spot. Afterwards she placed the box spring and mattress down. She then made his bed up for him before she glared at him.

"The next time you want to do something with lizzy, don't make it so obvious. You've lost whatever chance you thought you had with me last night. So enjoy no longer having me as your friend." Serena said seriously before she coughed covering her mouth and left out.

Ciel frowned as he saw her leave, she wouldn't even let him thank her. He rushed out of the room and went to her room to see that she had kicked Lizzy out of the room as she had placed Lizzy's bed together as well. Once her bed was together Serena glared at Lizzy. "I know what you did with Ciel, I will never ever see you as my sister or a friend after what you've done last night. I hope you enjoy suffering the entire our families are like this because I know damn well that Justin and I aren't going to let that happen again."

She then left the room pushing passed the two of them, Ciel followed her only to see her throwing up in the bathroom. He held onto her hair so it wouldn't get into her face only for her to swat his hand from her hair and hold it herself. Once she finished throwing up she flushed the toilet and brushed her teeth after she found her tooth brush. She then went downstairs and helped with settling the other rooms even though Mark and Kendall didn't think she should be walking around, she insisted that she helped. She didn't like feeling useless.

Hearing that Mark stopped her and told her to stay up in her room, she wasn't to lift a thing until she was a hundred percent better. She nodded her head and went up to her room and went to rest. As she did Lizzy wouldn't keep quiet and deliberately made noise to keep her up. Even going as far as throwing boxes at her when she was done with them just to get her out of her bed. Serena ignored them for the most part throwing the boxes off of her until her father came to see how she was doing just to see Lizzy throwing an empty box as Serena.

"Lizzy, stop throwing your empty boxes at Serena. She's sick and needs to rest."

"She's obviously faking it, she just doesn't want to do anything to help unpack." Lizzy stated

Before Mark could say anything Serena got up and before she could move fast enough she threw up on the ground holding onto her stomach. Serena let out tears of pain as she cried "I-I'm sorry...I-I didn't move fast enough." Serena said through her sobs

"Ew! that's gross!"

"Lizzy stop whining and go and get the paper towels from downstairs." Mark said seriously

Lizzy huffed out and did what she was told as Mark went up to Serena. "Your fever has gotten worse."He said as he placed his hand over her forehead "If this keeps up I'm going to have to take you to the hospital."

"I...I'll be okay...this isn't the worst I've been." She said weakly

Mark looked at her concerned before he cupped her face in his hands. "Listen Serena you aren't around my stupid brother, I care about you."

"I get that...but I'm just saying...this isn't the worst I've been." Serena said sadly

Lizzy then came up with the paper towels, Mark kissed the top of Serena's head. "Get your shoes on we're going to the hospital."


Mark then looked at Lizzy. "and you're going to clean up her throw up since you've been so rude to her. I'll be letting Kendall know about this too so don't think you can go and whine to your mother about this."

Mark then left the room and Serena placed her shoes on as she was coughing. Lizzy whined out the entire time she was cleaning up the throw up on the ground. Once Serena had her shoes on she looked at Lizzy sadly. "I'm sorry you had to do that..."

"Get out of here!" Lizzy said angered

Serena left and went downstairs before Mark took her to the hospital, the entire ride to the hospital Serena felt very queasy and unwell. Once they got to the hospital as Mark was explaining what was going on with Serena she ended up throwing up once more on the floor. Instantly she was placed on a wheel chair where she was taken to a room to get checked up on as nurses went to clean up the throw up that was on the ground.

Mark was very concerned about his daughter and didn't know what was going on with her, it wasn't until the doctor had him go back with him that he saw that Serena had been placed onto a medical bed. "What's going on with my daughter?"

"She has pneumonia...has she been in contact with anything that may have given her it?"

Mark was in thought for a bit. "Maybe the chemicals that she used to clean up the house we just moved out of. She was fine up until this morning."

"I see, well that might do it. We're going to monitor her for the next two days to see if it'll go down any. But if it doesn't we're going to have to do an X-ray and see what's going on inside of her."

Mark looked concerned but nodded his head. "Alright, please keep me in touch with what happens with Serena. I'm really worried about her she's already thrown up four times today."

"She's told me, for now she needs rest so we're going to let her be for now. If anything develops we will call you about it."

Mark nodded his head. "Alright thank you so much." He said before he looked to Serena and kissed the top of her head softly. "Rest well sweetie."

"I'll try. I love you papa."

"I love you too Sweetie." He said before he left out

When he got home Ciel was waiting on the stairs, he got up as he saw Mark come inside. "How's Serena?"

"Not well, she has to stay in the hospital for the next two days. It seems she got Pneumonia, which is kicking her immune systems butt."

Ciel looked down sadly. "I do hope she gets better."

"You and I both kiddo. Have you finished with your room?" Mark asked

Ciel nodded his head. "Yes."

"Then come help me in the dining room."

"Okay father."

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