Book One: 34

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That night, Ciel couldn't sleep-he was too worried about Serena. How did she get so sick? He knew that she had mentioned before that she had a weak immune system, but he didn't think that she was dead serious about it. But knowing now that she was so sick they had to keep her in the hospital it made him so worried about her. Then her words she said to him came back to him as he lied down to try to sleep.

"The next time you want to do something with lizzy, don't make it so obvious. You've lost whatever chance you thought you had with me last night. So enjoy no longer having me as your friend."

Not only did he lose her as his friend-but he lost the chance to potentially have her be with him as well. He hated that she knew about what had happened between Lizzy and him, it was something impulsive that he had done to keep her quiet and stop messing around with him. He didn't think of doing anything more with her or for it to mean anything. But he knew Serena felt differently about it, he placed his head down into the pillow as he cried himself to sleep. For the next two days afterwards, Ciel refused to say or do much around Lizzy-he was too worried about Serena.

Ciel had been around Mark when he had gotten the call from the hospital. When Mark got the call he got up to answer the call. "Hello?"

"Hello is this Mark Bates?"

"Yes speaking."

"Hello, this is Nurse Melissa at the New York General hospital. I'm calling in regards to your child Serena."

"How is she?"

"She's doing better, her temperature has gone done increasingly and she has been keeping food down for the last twelve hours. She is ready to be released."

Mark let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you, I'll be there soon to get my daughter."

After the phone call Mark left out to get Serena only telling Kendall where he went off to. Ciel had to find kendall just to figure out what was going on. When Kendall had told him that Mark went to get Serena, his eyes lit up hearing that Serena was coming home. He waited on the stairs for Serena to come home, he wanted to have a heart to heart with her when she got back.

With Mark, he was happy to see that his daughter didn't look deathly ill anymore, he signed her out and the two of them left out together. Mark told her about what was going on at home, Serena listened to everything her father said before she looked at him curiously. "Did Lizzy take all of her stupid boxes out of the room?"

"I don't know, if she hasn't let Kendall know and she'll make sure that she does."

Serena nodded her head. "Okies I can do that papa not a problem."

When they got home Serena ignored Ciel and went up to her room to see that all of the empty boxes that Lizzy had emptied out were on her bed as if she didn't even exist in the room. Serena quietly left the room and went to find Kendall before she got Kendall's attention as she was cleaning up the living room. "Mom, Lizzy placed all of her empty boxes on my bed. I can't get to any of my things."

Kendall sighed out. "That child...I swear. Stay out of the room for a moment."

"Sure thing mom, anything I can do in the mean time?"

"Why don't you see if Justin needs help in the kitchen."

Serena nodded her head and went to the kitchen and smiled as she saw Justin. "Heya Justin."'

"Hey look who came home. How are you feelin'?"

"Better, I have to your sister always such a bitch?"

Justin got down from the chair he was on and laughed "Sadly yes. Why ask?"

"Mom has to go upstairs and bitch and Lizzy for placing her empty boxes on my bed. I can't get to any of my things because of her bull shit."

"I thought it was odd she never brought down any boxes. Did you wanna help me until she gets done?"

Serena happily nodded her head. "Sure!"

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