Book One: 7

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That night Serena ended up sleeping on the couch with Ciel due to the fact that her father didn't want her to end up sleeping on a garbage bed anymore. Ciel was warned that Serena slept walked, he woke up in the middle of the night to Serena on the ground crying. He didn't know if she was awake or if it was when she was asleep. So he just called out to her. "S-Serena?"

"Ciel..Ciel it hurts to walk..."She said through her sobs

He knew then that she was awake and got up to help her to where she wanted to go which was to the half bathroom on the ground floor. After she finished in the bathroom they went back to the living room together where she ended up cuddling with him as they fell asleep once more. Come the next day Ciel woke up first to see that Serena was still against him. He woke her up only for her to get flustered that she had ended up falling asleep against him.

She let him get up before she went upstairs to use the bathroom. As she got out of the bathroom her adoptive father got out of his room and smiled at Serena. "After breakfast we're going bed shopping."

", am I staying in the back room?" Serena asked

"No, today we're going to sort that out and what I say goes alright?"

"Yes father."

She went downstairs and she saw that Emily and Justina were making breakfast already. "Morning." She said as she poked her head into the kitchen.

Both girls smiled as they saw her. "Morning Rena, how are you feeling today?"

"Crappy like, I feel like I was stabbed many times down hurts to use the bathroom." Serena said honestly

Emily and Justina looked at one another sadly before Emily went up to her placing her hand on the top of her head softly. "I'm sorry Justina and I weren't here to keep you safe, we've both been too self centered to realize what we've been doing to you. From here on out we're going to change that alright?"

Serena took her hand off of her head before she glared at Emily. "Don't act like you actually give a damn about me when I know damn well that you two don't care about me. I'm nothing more than an inconvience to you." Sarina said before she walked off back into the living room

when she got into the living room she saw that Nile was playing a game with Mitchel. She sat down to watch as Ciel was looking at what they were doing confused. "You're wondering what they're doing don't you?"

He nodded his head as he looked at her. "I've never seen something like that before."

Serena smiled at him and moved a bit closer to him before she explained everything to him, Ciel's left eye widen in shock as he heard her speak. "Wow...things are defiently different from my time."

"I am well aware of that-your time is known as the Victorian Era of time." Serena explained

"Really? That's interesting to hear."

After a bit Nile looked to Serena. "You didn't sleep walk last night, have you gotten over that phase of your life?"

Serena huffed out. "I don't sleep walk! I get blamed for shit that Tyler and Justina does so they don't get into trouble!"

"I have to agree with her that she doesn't sleep walk, I kept an eye on her last night and she didn't sleep walk at all." Ciel stated

Nile sighed out. "That checks out, I'm very sure that Tyler has always been a trouble maker since she's been a part of this family."

Mitchel nodded his head in agreement. "No doubt with that. We should have seen the red flags before now."

"So it seems things are going to come into the light now that Tyler is gone. Speaking of him, I think I should give him a visit, just to show him just how much he's fucked up." Nile stated

"Don't visit him, he doesn't need to know that you are home." Emily said as she came into the room

"He needs to get his head out of his ass, what better way than to see the one person who he used to look up to seeing him and shaming him for what he has done to Serena?"

Emily shook her head. "I think that's a bad idea, but you can talk it over with father. For now it's time for breakfast so the lot of you to the table."

Ciel and Serena left first, Ciel pulled out Sarina's chair for her which she thanked him before she sat down and he pushed her in before he sat down beside her. Sarina's adoptive father was stunned to see that Ciel had pushed her in but said nothing as the others came into the room. Once the two males were at the table Justina and Emily served out breakfast before sitting down themselves. Serena ate very little as she heard the conversation that was happening between Nile and her adoptive father.

"...want to go and see Tyler to give him a reality slap. Emily think's it's a bad idea." Nile explained

"It is a bad idea, he looked up to you Nile."

Serena let out a sigh before she looked at her adoptive father. "Father, as much as you may think it's a bad idea-I don't. Tyler did look up to Nile, Nile could figure out why Tyler felt so aggressive towards me and what made him want to do what he had to me yesterday afternoon. Tyler would trust Nile enough to tell him anything and everything and Nile can figure things out so we can figure out what to do with the fact that Tyler did what he had to me." Serena explained

Mitchel nodded his head in agreement. "I'm on the same page as Serena here, he obviously is twisted in the head and sharing the same damn room as him I've never once heard him talk bad about Sarina. So he must have kept his bad thoughts to himself. Nile could get out of him what the hell he was thinking doing what he had to her."

The elder male sighed out before he looked at Serena seriously. "Are you sure you want that to happen? I don't want you to think that Nile is going to turn against you because he was around Tyler."

"I know that Nile cares about me lots, if he didn't he wouldn't have taken care of me last night and talked to me one on one about what had happened before he had left out. I want to be able to figure out what's going on with Tyler-even though he hated me...I did see him as a big brother. I did look up to him, so knowing that he had done what he had yesterday...well it really hurt me emotionally and mentally knowing that one of the guys I looked up to would hurt me like he had."

"Very well. Nile you can leave out after breakfast to do that. Now-before anyone does anything else we're going to talk about room arrangements since the four of you didn't include Sarina's input last night and chose to ignore that the one thing all of you were worried about was happening before yoru eyes. Emily and Justina you two will have the two rooms by the bathroom. The storage room will be where Emily is sleeping right now. Serena will have Niles room with our guest. Nile you will be in the same room as Mitchel. I will also make that small empty room into a small puzzle room for Sarina so she can have her peace for her puzzles and so she'll be out of her room more often."

All of them nodded their heads in agreement. "I also want all of Tyler's shit in the storage room, once and if he gets out of jail he will be in there to show him just how much what he had done is wrong."

"Yes father." They said in unison

Ciel was stunned to hear just how stern the elder male was. "Today you are going to be looking at new beds for Serena yes?"

"Yes, but before we do we're getting you to be seen by other people and out of your victorian era clothes." He said seriously

Ciel nodded his head. "Alright then."

"When Serena and I will be looking at beds you're coming with us since you two are small enough you two will be sleeping in the same bed until you two grow enough to have your own beds."

"Why are you speaking as if I'm not going back?"

"I don't know if you will be or not. Next month will be a mystery Ciel. You may end up being stuck here for a long period of time."

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