Book Two: 23

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Evans wasn't liking what he was hearing so far, as Serena refused to speak a word. She hated to relive the past that she had gone through, so she chose just to eat her dinner and half ignore what was being said. Mark rubbed between his eyes as he sighed out. "The worst of it happened after Serena was let out of the hospital after spending an entire week there. I had taken Justin and Serena out for lunch since I figured Serena would be hungry after not eating so much in so long. I was told by the hospital staff that they weren't going to feed her too much due to not wanting to upset her pallet after her not eating so much in so long. So when my daughter chose to eat something more than she usually would when we'd go out to eat Justin's remark to her was completely out of line."

"What was his remark?" Evans asked

"He said that I was chubby before-that being as thin and pale as I am now makes me look better." Serena said sadly

Evans glared at his son. "Why the fuck, would you tell a young girl that?! Are you really that insensitive?!"

Justin just looked down ashamed of himself, mark just scoffed. "But isn't the worst thing that he has said about my daughter."

Evans sighed out and shook his head. "Continue on."

"That night Justin had two of his friends here Lucas and Ian. Serena knew them too but she was too soaked into her work to really talk with them. She asked me to be schooled online to help with keeping her safe, I was all for it so I wouldn't have to worry so much about my blood daughter that I had been searching for-for fourteen damn years. When Justin had heard that she was being schooled online he wanted to be schooled online too, but I refused him since it was because of his neglect that Serena happens to be the way that she is. Apparently that had triggered him to talk about her behind her back during dinner last night."

Serena stopped eating due to not knowing the fact that Justin had said something behind her back. She wanted to know what he had said about her behind her back.

"Which would be?" Evans asked

"Justin why don't you tell your father what you had said last night?" Mark said seriously

Justin let out a sigh before he looked at his father. "I told Mark that he was obsessed with her, that she wasn't that big of a deal. That he should have just let her die in the basement that he had found her in."

Serena glared at Justin. "YOU BIG MEANIE! HOW DARE YOU!" Serena yelled angered

"S-Serena please calm down, I...I was just angered you were getting a special treatment that's all!"

"I get treatment from my father cause I'm his damn daughter! I was just in the hospital you monster! To think once I used to look up to you and for what?! At least you grew up with your father and mother! You had a family to speak of! I was an orphan till I was five years old! Then I was adopted by my uncle without knowing it! They were meanies to me! It wasn't until two years ago I was able to be properly raised by my papa! You knew all of that beforehand! Why are you being such a big jerk to me! I've never done anything bad to you!" Serena said angered

Mark knew that Serena would blow up and didn't stop her, he knew that Serena would get out of her funk one way or another. Evans couldn't believe what he had heard coming from his son. After hearing Serena blow up after hearing what had been said, Evans knew exactly why he was called over. "With all that has been said and explained to me. Do you mind if I continue to have the custody of my son? It seems like he has lost the values of what family means." Evans asked Mark

"Go for it. I am just his guardian since his mother is a nutcase." Mark stated

"W-What?! No-no-no! Please don't make me go with him! I-I'll be better I promise!" Justin said shaking his head as he pleaded to Mark

Serena huffed out and crossed her arms. "You did this to your self meanie. You don't deserve to be here no more."

Mark placed a hand on Serena's head softly as he got up. "I couldn't say it any better myself sweetie." Mark said smiling down to Serena before he looked at Justin seriously. "After dinner pack all of your things, you will be leaving out with your father tonight."

"B-But...but I don't want to be around my father! I...I want to stay here."

"You've done more harm than good while you've lived here, I don't want to have another scare with my daughter-So you are going to have no choice in the matter but to live with your father." Mark said seriously before he took care of his plate and Serena's plate so she could go back to her school work.

Serena got up thanking her father before she went back to her school work. As she did Justin finished his food sadly before he went to pack his things up once more with boxes from around the house. One by one Evans had his things be in the back of his truck, after Justin's things were taken out of the house Justin went up to Serena as she had gotten up to use the bathroom. "I hope you're happy with yourself Serena."

"I was going to say the same thing to you, had you been nicer this wouldn't have happened. My papa would always protect me over you. I am his blood daughter-I am the one thing that keeps him going and he lost me because of you. Had you had the sense to get me and tell that idiot woman who is Lucas and Ian's mother that you need to get me that wouldn't have happened. Especially since you never told me you were going to be around Ian and Lucas to begin with." Serena said seriously

"I hope your life becomes complete shit after this, you don't deserve to be around your father. He shouldn't need you-you aren't going to keep his family name going."

"You're just salty that he cares more about me than you, just leave and never return Justin." She said seriously

Justin left with a scoff and slammed the door behind him, Serena went to the bathroom-and after she had gotten out she went back to her work without her headphones on now that she didn't have to worry about Justin anymore. Her father did the dishes before he came out with a bowl that had ice cream, a brownie in it with chocolate syrup over it all. Serena's eyes lit up seeing the bowl "Ooh! this looks nummy! Thankies papa!"

"You're welcome sweetie. So what are you working on now?"

"Math-I suck at it and most of the lessons I have are on math."

Mark pulled a chair to sit by her. "I'm pretty good at it, I can help you if you want."

Serena's eyes lit up and she nodded her head. "Please?"

"Sure thing Sweetie. So what are you working on right now?"


"Ahn, that would trip up did me when I was your age. Alright then. What do you have to do for your assignments?" He asked curiously

"I'm working on the review and it's confusing." Serena explained looking at her dad as she ate her desert.

"Well what about it is confusing?"

"The negative signs and how to get rid of what do I do to get it so it'll be a positive number?" She asked confused

Mark placed his bowl down on the side of his desk and he got her notebook and pencil from the side of her laptop before he explained what she was going to have to do with the first problem he saw on her screen. Serena paid very close attention to what her father did just so she had a bit of a clue of what she was supposed to do. After she saw what her father did her eyes lit up. "Ooohhhh, that makes sense." She said before she looked back to the screen and picked the right answer before he helped her out with the rest of the questions that were on the review.

Once she was done with the review she took the test on her own with her father watching her the entire time. 

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