Book One: 17

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        "And just who is your father?" The Principal asked

Serena let out a sigh. "About that...Well it goes a long with the second thing. My papa...he wanted me to give you this." Serena said giving him the letter

After the principal read the letter his face was sheet white. "The police cheif is your father?! I-I apologize Serena. Stay put."

Serena nodded her head and she stayed in the chair she was in, she soon saw her teacher who was unamused to see her. "What is this about?" Her teacher asked as she had her arms crossed

"It has come to my attention that on Friday you had singled out Serena after she had been out for a day due to what had happened to her. May I ask what made you do such a thing to a child who was already tramatized by a serious event that had happened to her?"

"She probably asked for it-I'm not going to give her sympathy for that."

The Principal sighed out before he looked at Serena. "Do you have the number of your father?"

"Yeah I do." She said before she read it off to the principal

"That is not the number that I have for her father!" Her teacher stated

The Principal hushed the teacher before he spoke up. "Hello Chief Mark, I'm calling on behalf of your daughter Serena. Due to the idoticy and lack of professionalism coming from her teacher I would like to ask you to please come grab your child until I am able to get a new teacher to teach her class that doesn't discriminate against the female population."

"I can do you one better-I know a male who is all set to be a teacher but hasn't been able to get a lead anywhere and I can show people just how serious things are for people who are in Serena's situation with an assembly to show everyone in the middle and high school what happens when children their age goes through what she's going through."

"That sounds like a lovely idea! And do bring in the male you spoke of."

"Very well, I'll be there in a half hour."

"Very well Chief mark-I'll see you then. Thank you for understanding."

"thank you for calling me."

Once they hung up the Principal looked at the teacher. "You're fired-grab your shit and get the fuck out."

She huffed out and left pissed. Serena stayed in the office until her father came into the office and she saw Mitchel and Ciel with him. Ciel and Serena were taken into the auditorium where they went onto the stage and sat down onto chairs behind a curtain. It wasn't long before Serena heard her father talk through a microphone

"Hello, and good afternoon to all of you. My name is Mark Sullivan I am the cheif of police for the city. I've come here to place out aware for a serious case of action that has happened a lot within this city within the last five years. It has been taken way to lightly by people and I'm not so keen on how many people just don't understand just what is going on here. Behind this curtain are two people who have had to deal with the problem that I've been cracking down on. What problem is that? Rape-especially when it comes to someone under the age of eighteen being forced to do so with someone over the age of eighteen."

The entire place was quiet which made Serena worried. But her father kept talking.

"I will now have our two speakers speak but you won't see them or hear their real voice. Their voices will be distorted to keep them from being identified. Subject A you're up."

Serena knew that Ciel was Subject A and looked at him sadly as he spoke into the microphone. "What happened to me happened when I was only ten years old. I was first obducted from my house as it was burning-I was touched by so many people and violated so much that I was completely tramatized for years. Even now I still have nightmares about what had happened to me."

"Subject A what were you wearing when that happened to you?" Mark asked

"I was wearing a striped pajama set that was a two piece. It was a long sleeved shirt and a pair of pajama pants."

"Thank you for answering-Subject B. Tell your story."

"I was thirteen when I was sexually assaulted by someone who I thought I could look up to. When the parental had left out leaving the two of us alone the person I swore I could trust strangled me before they ripped the clothes I wore off and assaulted me as they bound my arms so I couldn't fight them off. Half way through it I blacked out and didn't wake up until I was in the hospital and told what had happened to me."

"Subject B, what were you wearing when it happened to you?" Mark asked

"A baggy t-shirt and a pair of sweat pants."

Mark shook his head and he looked forward to the people that were in the auditorium. "As you all heard-neither one of the people who you heard from 'asked' for it to happen with what they wore or at the age they were at. Now I believe there was a class within this school that had a woman who had something similar happen to her that was singled out and their words twisted. Because their words were twisted they were called a 'whore' and a 'slut' for what had happened to her. I want to know right now-who in their right mind would tell a rape victim that they 'asked' for what they went through that would mentally and emotionally destroy them?!"

The entire place was quiet-which didn't amuse the elder male at all. "So no one is going to fess up. Subject B please come out and see your peers." Mark stated

Serena got up and she weakly made her way to where her father was as she had held the sleeves of her jacket as she looked at her father sadly. "Yes sir?" She said sadly

"I'd like for you to point out to the people of this school who has called you names when you were in class on friday." Mark stated

She averted her eyes. "Everyone that is in Ms. Yorkshire's homeroom class. The girls called me a slut, the males called me a whore. There wasn't a single person in that class that was nice to me, then as those people knew they told the rest of my grade and it was a constant thing of me hearing in the hall 'oh here comes the whore' or 'get out the way it's the slut of the centry make way or she'll take you too'. I never wanted one of my cousins to rape me, I never wanted to go through so much pain and torment!" She said as she began to go into hysterics and cry her eyes out

Mark knew where the Eighth graders were placed and saw that all of them were looking very apologetic and worried about what they had done. Mark placed his arm around Serena as she looked up at him. "Listen, what you feel shouldn't be caged up. As of now things should be better for you. I know it must have been degrading for a child your age to hear your peers say such crude and mean things to you."

She nodded her head quickly. "It made me want to not live no more. I realize that I'm not one of the 'normal' kids in my class...but that doesn't mean they had to make me feel even more like a black sheep in school." She said through her sniffles

"That shouldn't be a problem anymore, while you're up here. Is there anything you wish to say to your peers?"

Serena looked directly at her grade and she glared at them. "I'm never ever going to forgive any of you for your mean words to me! None of you know what it's like to go through what I went through. None of you know the pain of being almost ripped apart! I refuse to talk or get to know any of you now that I know just how small your sight and how small your logic is! I don't care about how paper smart you all are or how paper dumb you all are. What I care about is how logical you all are and it's apparently that's something all of you lack! Don't talk to me, don't look at me and surely don't have my name in your mouth! You've all lost all respect I could have had for all of you!"

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