The Dead 2

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They went to the theatre room, which Sam and Dean put together a few years back, and saw all already settled.

Cas and Dean sat on the couch next to Sam and Jack, "So what are we watching first?", Dean asked and Jack looked at him sideways with a smile and snapped his fingers.

It was the first episode, how the brothers got back together, how their father was on a hunt, and how Jessica died.

"Sam-", Mary started, "I'm fine Mom, I'm over it, in fact, I'm getting married", Sam said and Dean and Cas smiled softly at Sam's smile, he was really happy.

"Ok next is bloody Mary", Jack said smiling evilly and Sam and Dean looked at him, "You little-", Dean was stopped by Jack playing the episode.

It soon enough finished, "That's it, that's the bad luck", Dean said and all laughed, except well you know who.

"It's not Dad, your bad luck washed away as soon as you two went to hell", Jack said, "You what?!?", Jody asked as Cas stroked Dean's arm and hair while cuddling.

He didn't need to see the screen, he was there, watching over them, they watched some of the main episodes continuously.

They soon enough came to the one where Sam died and Dean made a deal, all were on the edge of the seat and Sam was holding Dean's hands while Cas was holding him tightly.

"It's ok, everything's fine now", Cas whispered in Dean's ears, "You made a DEAL? Are you out of your mind?", John asked, Rowena waved her hand and John was talking but there was no sound coming out of it. 

"Easy for you to say when you never raised him", Dean said, Sam smiled and cuddled into his brother and Jack joined them.

Now it had turned into a family cuddle session, Jack and Sam were in Dean's arms while Dean was in Cas's, and Jody and Charlie were cuddling.

"Idjits", Bobby said but he was smiling, "Next up Dad going to hell and the raising", Jack said and Dean and Cas looked at each other and smiled.

They saw Dean and Bobby trying to kill Cas and them not working, John who was looking intensely at the scene suddenly got up and walked to Cas and Dean.

The others had moved already and suddenly John attacked Cas and the couple moved just by an inch to see the older Winchester was holding an Angel blade.

"What the hell Dad?", Sam asked as Dean held Cas who was holding a bleeding arm, "I'm fine, it's just a scratch", he said and Dean's look turned murderous.

"See it bleeds", John said and Bobby took the blade away from him and gave it to Jack who was also looking murderous, "That's an angel blade, it can kill angels", Sam said angrily.

Dean motioned Jack to heal his father and pinned John to the wall, "Listen to me you asshole, if you want to stay here and watch, shut up or else not only me but they will also kill you", Dean threatened gesturing the rest of the room.

"Don't you dare touch my husband", Dean said murderously and Cas stopped him, "Dean I'm fine, I have been through worse, come on, we need to finish watching", Cas said leading them back to the couch.

"And Crowley I will kill you if you leave the blade around like an idiot", Jack said and Dean glared at the demon.

"Accident squirrel and I won't do that again Bunny", Crowley said winking at Jack, "What's with you- you know what let's continue", Sam said and they did.

"I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition", Cas said on the tv...

"Ok that was hot", Dean muttered and Cas smiled in Dean's hair and kissed his head,

"Good things do happen, Dean", Cas said and Dean looked at him broken, "Not in my experience", Dean said and Cas looked at him intensely.

"What's the matter? You don't think you deserve to be saved?", Cas asked and Dean looked at him and away...

"You figured that as soon as you saw him?", Sam asked and Cas shrugged, "I have been watching over him for a long time, I know him", he said and Dean looked up at him smiling and the two kissed.

They continued watching the episodes when they came to a heart-wrenching one where Dean confronted Mary...

"You left us. Alone", Dean said and baby Sam cooed, "'Cause Dad was just a shell. His perfect wife? Gone", Dean said.

"Our perfect Mom, the perfect family... was gone. And I... I had to be... more than just a brother. I had to be a father and I had to be a mother, to keep him safe", he said.

Sam went to interrupt, "I don't hate it or regret it, I love you still, you are my baby no matter what", Dean said and Sam smiled making Dean kiss his temple.

"And that wasn't fair. And I couldn't do it. And you wanna know what that was like?", he paused his voice breaking.

"They killed the girl that he loved. He got possessed by Lucifer. They tortured him in Hell. And he lost his soul. His soul", he said and softly touched baby Sam's face smiling with tears in his eyes and the baby cooed.

"All because of you. All of it was because of you. I hate you", Dean said and Mary snapped out and everything turned fine.

But before they left Dean lifted baby Sam in his hands, "I will always be here Sammy, I will protect you", he said and kissed the baby's head and the dream vanished.

Cas removed his arms and Dean sat up as Sam crashed into him, he may be a tall and huge dork to look at but he is Dean's baby brother no matter what.

Sam sobbed in Dean's chest for the first time, "I'm sorry, I was an ass and left you, I'm sorry I gave up on you and broke your trust, I am really sorry", Sam cried and Dean cradled his face wiping his tears.

"Hey hey it's ok Sammy, I would never hate you, you are my baby, a parent never hates their child no matter what, it's ok", Dean said and hugged his brother again.

Cas was holding Jack and the others were smiling at these two, they had to watch a lot more, but they had enough time for that, now it was the brothers time.

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