Dead 5(Final)

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They were excited to see how they became this family again, how Cas came back, and how everything was, after Jack became God.

Most importantly how Dean told his love to Cas, how they got together, so the episode started and they could see even though the brothers were normal there was something different with Cas.

He mostly had his arms around himself, like he was missing something, a warm hug or..."Wings", Jack said realizing.

"What?", Sam asked as Cas smiled and Dean nodded, "Oh my me", Jack said, "Wow that's not weird at all", Bobby muttered.

"What are you talking about?", Sam asked, "This usually doesn't happen, angels' wings are personal to them, they are their weapon at the same time something too intimate for them", Cas explained as all listened.

"But Pops here has used or has been using the wings to protect Dad, he always has his wings around Dad keeping him safe, comfortable, and warm, that's why when Pops... Dad is unknowingly missing it and wrapping his arms around himself to compensate", Jack said and Charlie let out an unearthly screech.

All except Jack and Cas winced, "So cute, I ship Destiel so much", she said and Sam grinned evilly at Dean.

"Don't you start too", Dean muttered, laying his head sideways on Cas's chest and pulling him closer to his husband.

They continued watching and all except Cas, Dean, Sam, and Jack gasped as they saw Dean being unable to move in the warehouse and telling Sam something was piercing him from the back.

"You are an idiot", Crowley said, "Thanks Crowley", Dean said rolling his eyes, "Don't be rude Fergus, they had no help", Rowena said.

"They had God, mother, and it is Crowley", he said and Dean and Sam looked at each other, why didn't they think of Jack? they asked each other silently. 

They all started crying at Dean's speech, even John, who for the first time prayed to God for everything to be normal for his sons.

Jack heard it and smiled at John who didn't notice that and was looking at the screen, "Cas", Dean breathed, in the scene after talking to his brother.

Suddenly there was a bright light making the brothers wince and close their eyes, Dean's eyesight was getting a little blurry but he would always know that trench coat.

All exhaled as they saw who it was, the brothers were gonna be alright, Cas was there, he wouldn't let anything happen to the brothers.

"Dean?", Cas called and came running to Dean, Sam moved away shocked but didn't say anything.

Cas cupped Dean's cheek, "Hey, hey it's ok honeybee, I am here", Cas said and Dean smiled groggily.

"I need to say something to you", he said, "Needless to say, I heard it, I love you too", Cas said touching their forehead and keeping his hand over Dean's chest.

His hands started to glow and the internal bleeding and wounds started healing, "Cas it's deep, don't waste your energy, just stay with me", Dean said noting what Cas was doing.

"I am an angel Bee, not just any angel, an archangel", Cas said and Dean and Sam looked at him surprised, "Long story", he said but he noted something in Dean's eyes.

Cas understood that Dean was on the verge of giving up and he was not going to waste his time explaining the reasons to live.

"You didn't tell me what happened after I was taken", he said changing the subject but gesturing to Sam behind Dean to pull Dean out slowly and Sam nodded.

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