Crossing Skies

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1999, Cheongju
Hana's Pov

I entered into Miyeon room's and saw her lying on the floor surrounded by scattered clothes and empty suitcases.

"Aren't you supposed to be going to New York?" I take the earphones out of her ears.
"You have to get your heart surgery done." I continue.
"I don't have to..cause I don't have a heart anymore." She casually replies.
"What are you talking about?" I scoffed.

"Someone stole my heart, you know." She chuckles.
"Have you ever felt your heart flutter so much that it's life threatening?" Miyeon says dramatically.
"Isn't it from your heart disease?" I reply.
"'s different...have you ever seen me like this?"
"Yeah..Ja-eun in fifth grade, the field athlete, a substitute teacher..and..." I began counting on my fingers.

"Hana..I's really real this time." Miyeon holds my hand.
"I can't sleep at night..I cry while listening to music..i won't be able to see him if I go." She continues.
"Quit that!" I start folding her clothes and began putting them inside the suitcase.

"Do you think I am joking?" Miyeon stands up.
"He even had our school uniform..the same as ours....I even saw his name on the name tag, Jung Minjae..I don't want to leave now." she adds.
"You are stubborn." I sigh.

I sat down in front of the computer and created email id's for myself and Miyeon.

"The password is bestfriends forever." I say.
"What are you doing Hana?" Miyeon asks curiously.
"From'll see everything that happens with that you're going to school with him."
"Hana.."  Miyeon squeals and hugs me.
"Go get your surgery..when you'll come back he'll be waiting for you." I say.

 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

Three days have already passed and I'm already missing Miyeon so much, our senior year of high school starts today.
Suddenly, I notice a notification on my computer it's an email from Miyeon. I quickly open it.

Dear Hana...I'm writing to you right after arriving at my aunt's house in America. It's a whole new world, the buildings are super tall.
Everyone here looks like a movie star. I wish you were here with me. Anyways best of luck for todays entrance ceremony

~Lee Miyeon

"I will take the bus from the bus stop near Aera apartment instead of our neighborhood bus stop." I whisper to myself.

"You need to have breakfast, Hana!" Mom shouts.

"I love you, mom!" I hurriedly say.

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