The heart gets what it wants

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As we reached my doorstep, a sudden sadness washed over me, realizing that I need to say goodbye to Siwoo now.

"Thank you for today Hana.." Siwoo said.
"It's okay..I'll always be there for you." I smiled at him reassuringly.
"You wanna go see a movie this weekend?"
He smiled.
"It's okay if you're busy." I nervously added.

He leaned closer and whispered, "Can I?"
I nodded, he extended his hand towards my cheek, gently cupping it, his lips brushing against mine so softly in a light peck. The warmth of his lips ignited a fire deep within my soul.

I held his hand, pulled him closer, and kissed him, the world seemed to stop at that moment. As we pulled away our eyes locked once again and we both blushed.
"Let's go this weekend." He chuckled, I could feel my heart fluttering.
"Good Night." He walked away.

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I got inside my room and sat in front of the computer.

"Miyeon...I really think I am going crazy in love..I can't sleep at night..I cry while listening to music..I keep thinking about him..I really really really like Siwoo." I sent Miyeon a spam email.

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After having breakfast I went to my room to select my clothes for the weekend but I couldn't find anything, frustratedly I ran downstairs.

"Mom..I don't have anything good to wear...I need new clothes." I said.
"You only purchased them you don't like them?" Hamin laughs.
" right." Mom adds.
"Mom..please..I need new clothes.." I dramatically say.
"both of you go to the grocery store and bring me these things..we'll talk about this later Hana.." Mom handed me the list she made.

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We were walking back home from the market.
"Why do you need new clothes so's not like you're going on a date or something." Hamin said.
"Why..why can't I need new clothes?" I replied.
"How dumb of're dating that ice-cream guy, right?" He grinned.
"He has a name..Siwoo.." I hit him lightly on his shoulder.
"yeah..i know.." Hamin laughs.

Suddenly I felt someone's hand around my shoulder,it was Minjae's.
"Who the hell are you?" Hamin grunts.
"I am Minjae..who are you?" Minjae smiles.
"I am her brother."
"What?..oh?" Minjae quickly removed his hand from my shoulder and straightened his clothes.

"Hana do you know him?" Hamin asks me.
"Yes..he's my friend." I reply.
"that's better than classmate." Minjae winks at me.
"What's all that shopping for?" Minjae continues and tries to look inside the bags.
"Grocery." Hamin says sternly.
Minjae nods.
" wanna go and have some ice-cream at the new shop?" Minjae asks me.
"Her boyfriend works......"
I elbowed Hamin and gave him the bag I was carrying,
"Let's go Minjae." I said.

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I sat inside the ice-cream shop, savoring the creamy sweetness of the chocolate sundae.

"You're really cute Hana." Minjae smiles.
"Are you free this weekend?" He adds.
"No.." Siwoo approaches us and sits beside Minjae.
"Don't you have work to do? Serve the customers." Minjae says while pointing at Siwoo's uniform.

They both were bickering and I was enjoying my sundae. My gaze shifted towards the glass, I saw a familiar face, a face that I was longing to see since the last month. It was Miyeon. I dashed towards the door, unable to contain my excitement. Miyeon entered inside we both stared at each other for a moment tears streaming down our faces.

"Hana..." Miyeon squeals.
"Miyeon..I missed you so much.." I cried.
We held onto each other with a desperate grip, relishing in the comfort of each other.
We both cried and Siwoo and Minjae were looking at us, confused.
"Hello..I am Miyeon." Miyeon wipes her tears and greets Minjae and Siwoo.
"She's my best friend..she's back from New York." I say.
"Hi." Minjae and Siwoo say in unison.

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I was staying at Miyeon's home tonight.
" feels like I am alive again." Miyeon says.
"You did so well..I am proud of you..Miyeon.." I hugged her.
"I bought chocolates for you..see." She handed me a pouch full of chocolates.
"They must be expensive..I have told you not to spend money.."
"You did so much for me..while I was away..collected all the information about Minjae.."
"He looked so cute in that stupid ice-cream uniform." Miyeon laughs.

" that was Siwoo...Minjae was the one sitting beside him." I say.
"What? no..I recognize Minjae very well..He was wearing the uniform.." Miyeon gets up and takes out the photographs out of her bag, the ones I sent her.
She points at Siwoo and says, "He's the love of my life." She blushes.

"That's you had a crush on him?" The smile dropped from my face.
"Don't tell me you have been following the wrong guy." Miyeon laughs.
"It's a misunderstanding regarding their names..but now I know it..he's Siwoo." Miyeon adds.
"I am sorry..I didn't know it was Siwoo."

My heart was torn, I realized I fell in love with the very person Miyeon had poured her heart out to me about, I can't hurt her feelings.

"It's okay..I just hope Siwoo likes me." Miyeon holds my hand.
I smiled and nodded.
"You need to rest now.." I say.
"Good Night..Hana." Miyeon says.

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