The Perfect Career

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Siwoo's POV

To Kim Hana,
I am writing to you because I don't think I'll be able to say this face to face.
I first saw you back in December when I just shifted to Cheongju, I know you probably don't even remember it. We keep running into each other since then whether it was at the bus stop, convenience store or at school.
I started to notice the unpredictable things you would do..thats when I realized I was smiling whenever I looked at you..but you were only interested in Minjae so sometimes i got jealous and hurt my feelings.
I had no idea what you felt about me until you expressed your feelings to me when you were drunk but then forgot about it like it never happened.
I wanted to ask you so many times but I couldn't plunge up the courage to do so..I like you Hana..I really really do..Thanks for being my reason to smile...Hana.
Also I wanted to tell you that , I have to go  back to New Zealand soon..but...I promise I'll be back within no time..

~Park Siwoo

The rain poured relentlessly from the darkened sky. The droplets of water blended seamlessly with my tears, I clutched a crumpled piece of paper in my trembling hands. It was the letter I wrote for Hana, confessing my feelings for her but now it was all in vain.

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Hana's Pov

Weeks have passed since that day, I avoided Siwoo as much as I could.
It's the first day of School today after summer vacation. I was walking hand in hand with Miyeon towards our way to school.
As we entered the hallway, Miyeon's face suddenly lit up and she waved at Siwoo.

"Hey!" She smiled brightly.
"Hi.." Siwoo replied.
"How are you?"
I quietly excused myself from their midst, making my way towards the classroom.

"Hey classmate.." Minjae smirked.
"Hi." I smiled.
"How was your summer break?" I added
"I learnt a thing or two about my dad's business..he needs a smart heir after all." He grinned.
"Smart heir..definitely." I chuckled.
"what? am I not smart?"
"I never said that."

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It was our laboratory period we all were busy conducting experiments.
I was arranging the equipments on my table when I noticed Siwoo got hurt by the blade that was kept there, blood dripped from the wound.
"Are you okay? I'll call the teacher." Miyeon said, concern visible in her voice.

I rushed towards Siwoo hurriedly and gently wrapped my handkerchief around his wound.
"It'll be alright." I said.
Siwoo didn't reply but gave me a reassuring smile.
"Why are you smiling?" I asked.
"The nurse is on leave today.." Miyeon said, she was panting.
"It's okay..I am fine."  Siwoo smiled
"Be careful from next time." Miyeon softly said.

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"I know you're hiding something, Hana." Miyeon said out of the blue.
"what?" I stammered.
"I know you like Minjae..You looked so happy with him.." She smiled.
"No..absolutely no." I replied
"Oh..i know about we go on double dates?"
"Me and Siwoo, you and will be so much fun."  She claps excitedly.
"Also..thanks for helping Siwoo today.."
"Damn..I forgot I had to go to the broadcasting studio..I'll see you Miyeon!" I ran towards the Studio room.

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As I walked in the studio, I could feel Siwoo's gaze on me.
I sat beside him as we were supposed to sit next to our partners.
"Are you okay?" I whispered.
He nodded.
"We don't have to be can work with someone else." I said, my voice steady.
"I want to work with you." He replied.
"Let's go now..we have to take interviews of the students today." He adds.

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Siwoo was handling the camera and recording equipment while I conducted the interviews.
I approached Eun-sa and Sia first who were busy playing in the ground.
"What are you doing Hana?"
"We're recording...recording.." I mouthed the words.

Eun-sa quickly straightened her uniform and hair and turned towards the camera.
"Hello..I am Jang Eun-sa." She smiled.
"I wanted to ask, what's your dream career?" I asked.
Eun-sa pondered for a moment and then spoke, " I will try my best to get into a good law school."
"I wish you good luck..thanks for sharing your opinion."

I moved to Sia now who was observing us very carefully.
"Sia..what field would you like to pursue in college?"  Siwoo turned the camera towards her now.
"To be frank, I don't think we'd be alive to get into our dream colleges.. the 21st century will be an end of everything."  She spoke with so much confidence.
"We all will die..let's enjoy the last days of 20th century to it's fullest."  She adds.
"no..this can't will I meet my Prince charming then?" Eun-sa says.
"You won''s true..the prophecy.."  Sia shrugs
Siwoo sighs wearily.

"Guys..let's get back to work." I said.
Eun-sa and Sia were still busy fighting and proving their points to each other.

"Let's talk to them." Siwoo points at the students who were in the hallway.
I followed him.

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Since the last two hours we have been taking interviews continuously.
I was really tired now and sat down on the ground.
"Everyone has already decided about their future and profession." I sighed.
"What about you?" Siwoo sat beside me.
"I don't know."
"Maybe things you're good at?"
"There's nothing like that."

"There were so good today."  He smiles.
"You are good at journalism."  He adds.
"Really?"  My eyes gleamed with excitement.
"Yes." He smiles reassuringly.
"You're good at something else as well.." He adds.
"We're doing a research...yes or no..beep." He tries to imitate the beep sound.
"stop it." I scoffed.
"how did you know about it?" I asked.
"I picked up the phone that day it wasn't Minjae." He laughs.
"Jerk..I clearly mentioned I wanted to talk to Minjae." I smacked his arm lightly.
"so what.." He bursts laughing.

I saw Miyeon running towards me.
"Hana..are you free must be tired."  She was panting.
"Yes.." I replied and quickly got up.
"Drink'll feel better! "  She handed me and Siwoo a bottle of juice.
"Thank you."  We said in unison.
We sipped our drinks and Miyeon had a warm smile on her face.

"Well..I was wondering if you're free this weekend.."  Miyeon asked Siwoo.
"Yes.."  Siwoo smiled.
"Great..then maybe you could join me and Hana for a day out at the amusement park this weekend?" Miyeon looked at me for approval.
"I never agreed on guys can go."  I tried to put up a smile.
"Please..Hana..." Miyeon looked at me intently.
"Please...can't you go for your bestfriend?" She continues.
"Your tricks won't work on me."
Siwoo slightly laughed and tried to hide it.

"Fine..then I won't go..Sorry Siwoo." Miyeon said in a low voice.
"Why aren't you going?"  I shrugged.
"How will I enjoy without you?"
"You're really something Miyeon..."
"Does that mean you're going?"
"What else could it mean?"
"Yay..I love you..also Minjae is going with us.."
"What? so you had already planned this?"
"Maybe." Miyeon stepped back & started running
"Miyeon!"  I was running after her now.

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