Capturing Moments

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I was assigned to take pictures of the children at the festival, along with my partner. I didn't know a thing about photography every time the images turned out blurry.
I sighed and rested my face on the camera tripod, my gaze shifted towards Minjae who was surrounded by two-three girls.

"What about a girlfriend?" I said in a low voice.
"No." Siwoo who was standing beside me replied while taking a few shots from his camera.
"What type of girls?"
"I don't know..maybe someone like Hwa-young."
" like someone innocent." I chuckled.
"Favorite movie?" I added.
"Really..mine too."
"Future major in college?" I continued.
"Theater & film or maybe journalism and broadcasting."
"So he wants to be famous because he's kinda handsome, right?"
"No..I just like cameras." Siwoo casually replied.
"Oh..likes to work with.." I thought about what he just said for a second and hit him lightly.

"It wasn't about you..I was asking about Minjae." I said.
"Take some something." He pointed at my camera.
"I don't know how to do it." I replied.
"You should know as a broadcaster."
"How do you do it?"
"Look into the camera lens and adjust the focus."
I did as he said.

"Rotate the Zoom ring to zoom in on the object."
I followed his instructions.
"Not like that..adjust the focus first for better clarity."
He came closer to look in the lens and we were standing so close to each other now.
"Keep your fingers here." He placed my hand at the focus ring.
"I..I got can go now." I said.
"Okay...take some good shots."
I took some photographs of the children who were playing and enjoying themselves in the field.


My friends dragged me to a Karaoke bar after the festival was over. We all were enjoying alot at the Karaoke, belting out our favorite songs, laughing & vibing.
Amidst all of this, one of my classmate rushed into the karaoke room.

"Guys...fight there's a fight..a fight!" He said while panting.
"Let's go..Hana!" My friend, Eun-sa said excitedly.
"No..I am not coming."
"'re so boring." She pouted.
"Hurry up guys..I think the senior guys will beat Siwoo and Minjae." The guy said.

Wait did he just say Minjae got into a fight with a senior guy. I better go there otherwise Miyoen might kill me.

I followed my classmates and we came into an alley, four-five seniors were present there and their leader looked drunk and angry.

"Did you try to flirt with my girlfriend?...You know you are messing with the wrong person.." The leader grabbed Minjae's collar and pinned him against the wall.
"You're gonna die tonight, man!" He continued.
"'re so embarrassing..I just talked to him." His girlfriend tried to stop him.
"I am sorry..but there are better guys than him..just date better guys."  Minjae smiled & managed to slip free from the older guy's hold.

The senior smirked and reached for a bottle kept nearby, he was about to smash it on Minjae's head.
Without a second thought, I rushed forward, the adrenaline kicking inside me, before he could swing I landed a swift kick right onto his face, he clutched his face.

"Who the hell is she? Get her..what are you doing?" He said to his friends and one of them took out a knife.
The crowd clamoured and they all started to run away in fear.
" as fast as you can." Siwoo held my hand and the three of us ran for our lives.
"Get those bastards!" The seniors guys were still behind us.
" as fast as you can towards the cop's car." Siwoo said.

We stopped  beside the police car, catching our breaths, the seniors backed off once they say the cops.
I noticed Siwoo was still holding my hand, I gently let go of his hand.

"Minjae..are you insane? You'll get yourself killed." I shouted at Minjae.
"Are you alright?" Siwoo said while pointing at my ankle, it was injured a little bit.
"Yeah..are you okay?" Minjae asks.
"'s okay..I can take care of it." I said and walked away from there.


When I reached home, my dad took me to the hospital even after I refused.
The nurse applied a medicinal gel on my wound and covered it with a sterile bandage she also gave me some painkillers.
With dad by my side, I hobbled out of the hospital.

"Are you alright?" Dad asks.
I nodded.
"I made you learn Taekwondo to protect yourself..but you're using it to get into fight with guys..nobody would date a crazy person." He adds.
"Plenty of guys would date me." I scoffed.
"'s good I saw your injury first..your mother would have worried if she knew you got into a fight..don't tell her about all of this."
"I really wish that all guys were like you, dad!"
"I guess you have a good eye for men."
He laughs.

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