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The first week of school after vacations was already so hectic, it was weekend so I could relax up a bit.
Miyeon was sitting in front of the mirror, styling her hair. She turned to me with a shy look on her face and said.

"Hana...I'm planning to confess to Siwoo today."
I had been ignoring my feelings to see Miyeon happy but still when she said that I couldn't help but feel uneasy and sad. I noticed the spark in her eyes and gave her a cheerful smile.

"That..that's amazing.." I said.
"Can you help me find some alone time with him?"
"You're the best..Hana." She giggles.


Upon arriving at the park, we were surrounded by a vibrant atmosphere filled with laughter.
We posed by a statue, capturing the moment with our radiant smiles.

"Minjae..move..Miyeon and Siwoo..let me click a photo of you two." I adjusted my camera towards them.
"Move closer."
They followed and I clicked their pictures.

"Guys..let's go there." Miyeon pointed at the horse carousel. We hopped onto our seats, with each rotation, our laughter grew louder.
I pulled out my camera and began taking photos.
"" I pulled his cheek.
"This is boring..adults on kids ride..."  He frowned.

The carousel ride came to an end.
I saw the roller coaster but then I suddenly remembered Miyeon wasn't allowed on such rides because of her surgery.
I grabbed her hand and said.

"Let's go from here..that ride looks fun."  I pointed at the other direction.
"Stop it..I know you're doing it because of me." Miyeon sternly said.
"You're avoiding the rides you love because of me."
"You guys should enjoy..don't think about me too much Hana."  She added
"Can we go on the roller-coaster then?" Minjae asked.
"Stop being so disrespectful." I hit him lightly.
" can go." Miyeon smiled.
Minjae grabbed my hand and we both got in the line for the ride.


Miyeon's POV

"Hana always thinks about me so much." I smiled.
"Let's sit there." I pointed at the bench and we both sat down there.
"So..umm..I wanted to tell.."
"I'm sorry Miyeon..but I want to go on the roller coaster as well."  Siwoo stood up and ran towards it.

After some minutes, I saw Minjae approaching me, he sat beside me.
"Aren't you going?" I asked him.
"Siwoo took my place..he wants to go with Hana." He replied.
"I don't think he's gonna be fine?" He adds.
"He's afraid of heights."
"Then why would he go?"
"Don't you know..they like each other..but Hana's been acting different since past few weeks."

His words pierced right through my heart, breaking the wall of trust I had built over the years with Hana.


Hana's POV

As we were waiting in the queue, Siwoo appeared out of nowhere. He whispered something into Minjae's ear and Minjae left.
It was our turn to step into the roller coaster now. As we pulled down our safety belt, Siwoo appeared a bit nervous.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"I..I am..afraid of heights." He was breathing heavily now.
"Then why did you get on?"
"I..wanted to be with you Hana.."

With a sudden jolt, we were off. The roller coaster reached its peak and for a brief moment, we were suspended in mid-air. Siwoo reached over and squeezed my hand gently. The roller coaster hurtled forward, plunging downwards, everyone was screaming now.

"I really really like you Kim Hana." Siwoo shouted.
My heart skipped a beat when he said that but I pretended not to react.
We got off the roller coaster.
"You know about my feelings now..I wanted to tell you before I leave." Siwoo said.
"You're moving?"
"Yes..I'm going to New Zealand."

I murdered my emotions once again and simply replied, "That's good."
"I thought you would be sad.."
"You will get to meet your brother..isn't that good?"
Siwoo sighed and said, "Thanks for everything..Hana."  He walked away.

It was night and our day out had already ended. I was walking hand in hand with Miyeon on our way to home.
"You must be hungry..let's eat at my house." I smiled.
Miyeon suddenly stopped and jerked her hand away from mine.

"Don't you think you need to tell me something?" She said sternly.
I looked at her confusingly.
"You like Siwoo, don't you?" She added.
" did you.."
"At least stop it now..Hana..admit it..that you have feelings for him."
"It was while you were gone...I thought you liked Minjae..and.."
"I..I am over..him now.."
"You can't even lie properly!"
"Sorry..Miyeon..I didn't want to ruin our friendship because of a guy."
"We're here because of you." Miyeon sobbed.
"I tried to tell you but..."
"You made me look like a fool all this time.."
"I didn't want to hurt you.."  I said in a feeble voice.
"I could have crushed my feelings in a heartbeat if it meant to save our friendship..
you're the most valuable person in my life one can ever take that place.."
"Miyeon.." I cried.
"I need you as a friend not as a nurse.."  She wiped her tears and walked to her house.

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