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As the final bell of the school day rang, I entered the broadcasting room and stepped inside the soundproof recording studio to make an announcement.

"Good afternoon, everyone! Today is our last day in the school before summer break starts. I announced cheerfully, "I hope you all have an incredible break filled with rest & alot enjoyment..and remember, while enjoying your summer vacation, don't forget to study hard for your dream college."

"I hope you all enjoy your summer break to the fullest." with this I ended the recording.

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I was busy working at my father's convenience store during my summer break.
I noticed Siwoo working at the new Ice-Cream shop that had recently opened just in front of the convenience store.
He looked handsome in the uniform and his bright smile worked like a charm on the customers.

What am I thinking!?

Throughout the day, our eyes met several times. Each time, I tried to act casual when he would catch me staring at him.

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In the evening my brother and I were playing a badminton match in front of our shop.
" still can't beat me." My brother says.
"'re the only one who taught me." the shuttlecock slipped from my hand.
"You don't even know how to do a proper service." He groans.
I showed him my tongue and he burst into laughter.

"Hana.." Siwoo approached me, his shift must have ended since he wasn't wearing his uniform.
"Congratulations..for the new job Siwoo!" I smiled.
He grinned, "Thanks..oh..this is for you." He handed me an ice-cream.
"Thank you!"

My brother stared at both of us for a moment.
"Do I know you?" He folded his arms.
"He's friend." I reply.
Siwoo nodded.

"I hope I had friends like that, who'd bring ice-cream for me." Hamin crossed his arms
"Hamin..shut up" I reprehended.
"I never said something."
"My ice-cream is still pending Siho." Hamin adds.
"It's Siwoo." I say.
"yeah..Siwoo." Hamin said and went inside the house since my mother called him for some work.

"Is he your brother? You two really look alike." Siwoo asks.
"Yes..he's my brother...and he is the most annoying person you will ever meet."
"You won't understand since you don't have any sibling." I add
"Yes..I do have one."
"Really? How old is he?"
"He's seven."
"He's really small..I'd like to meet him." I smiled.
Siwoo was about to say something but was interrupted as his cell phone rang, his smile dropped when he looked at the number.

"Dad?" Siwoo picked up the call.
"You punk..where are you...come back home with my money." His father shouted so loudly that even I could hear.
"Y..yes..I'll be there." Siwoo's voice quivered.
"Siwoo.." I say.
"You..jerk..spent all my money.."
Siwoo disconnected the call.

"Hana..I'm sorry I need to go right now."  He says.
"Siwoo..what happened?"
"oh..nothing to worry about."
"Stop lying!"
"Can I come with you?" I grabbed his trembling hand.

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We both entered Siwoo's house but no one was there. Siwoo checked all the rooms.
"He's not at home..he must have left." He sighed.
"but what happened?"
"My father drinks alot..and..when he runs out of money..he calls me..and demands for's becoming very frequent nowadays."
"I'm sorry...I..I didn't know about this."
"My mom divorced him and shifted to New Zealand with my younger's been 4 years since I saw them." He said in a feeble voice.

Siwoo always had a bright smile on his face this was the first time I saw him crying. I never realized he was going through all of this.

"Everything's going to be okay." I wrapped my arms around him.
"Did you have something? Let's make some food." I said so as to divert Siwoo's mind.

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I began chopping vegetables, while cooking I tried to crack some jokes, that definitely made Siwoo laugh.
He arranged the plates on the table and we both sat down to have dinner.

"You can go first." I smiled waiting for him to taste the food.
He took a small bite and I watched him intently hoping that the food tastes good.
"It's spicy." He exclaimed.
"but it's okay..i liked it." He quickly adds.
I tasted the food and it turned out to be really spicy, Siwoo passed me a glass of water.
"I am sorry..I think I.."
"It's okay Hana..the curry is really delicious!" Siwoo smiled.
"You're such a good liar." I chuckled.
We savored the rest of the meal laughing and talking.

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"I should go home now." I said while putting on my shoes.
"I'll walk you's not safe besides I don't want you to get into a fight." He smiles.
"Beating people isn't my hobby." I chuckled.

We both stepped out of the house walking alongside Siwoo, I felt a sense of comfort in his presence.

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