Mission Starts

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After twenty minutes of running I finally made it to the bus stop and the bus was about to leave.

"Hey..Sir..Sir..open the door..Sir.." I bang on the door.
He opened the door and I quickly get on the bus.
"Thank you..thank you so much Sir." I bow to the driver who let me in.

The bus was really crowded the narrow aisle was full of people standing close to each other, I tried to find a spot to stand but suddenly the bus jerked forward and I was about to fall down, a strong pair of hands reached out and steadied me. I looked up to see the stranger, he was dressed in the same school's uniform as mine.

"Sit here..don't trip again." He offers me his seat.
"Thank you."

I noticed his name on the name tag. He was Jung Minjae, I finally found him. I felt so proud of myself like I had achieved something great in my life, noticing the beaming smile on my face he smiled back.

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During lunch time when everyone was busy eating, I took my notepad and began writing every detail I could observe of Minjae.

At night I finally decided to reveal all the information I could gather to Miyeon.

"Miyeon here's everything I could find out about your prince charming.
He likes to drink orange juice and he's tall also he's good at basketball."
I sent the email to Miyeon and to my surprise she quickly replied back.

"If he's good at basketball then he must be really popular?"

"Kinda but not so much that you need to worry."

"What about his friends? Do you know if he has a girlfriend?"

"Uh..I don't think so..but he has a best friend he's always with. Park Siwoo, he lives in building 304 at Aera apartments."

"Do you think there's a way to get closer to him..what about clubs?"

"Maybe..I will try."

After talking to her for about half an hour more, I decided to go to sleep as I had to wake up early tomorrow morning for school.

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It was history class right now and my attention was drawn by the students playing basketball outside. They looked happy and energetic. A boy fell down while playing looks like he got injured. He was Minjae.

"No!" I said it loudly in front of the whole class. All the students were staring at me like I was a criminal.
"What is it?" Mr.Han, our history teacher asked.
"Uh...Oh..my stomach..it hurts..can I please go to the medical room?" I say dramatically.
"Go." He replied and started teaching again.

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"How may I help you?" The nurse asks.

I was busy trying to listen what Minjae and his friend Siwoo were talking about but Siwoo draws the curtain over the bed.

"I guess you aren't here to see me." The nurse laughs.
"Oh...I am..my stomach hurts.." I reply.
"Take this pill and rest for sometime."

I did as the nurse said, I slid onto the bed that was right beside the bed where Minjae was resting, the curtain was separating the area between our beds. I hid behind the curtain, making sure that both of them couldn't see me peering in.

"What clubs are you gonna join this year?" The guy sitting beside Minjae replies. He must be Park Siwoo.
"I don't know...what about you?" I could recognize Minjae's voice.
"I wanna join the broadcasting club."
"Then I'll join that too."

"Do you even know what that club does?" Siwoo laughs.
"Uh..I don't..what do they do?"
"Hey..they have auditions."
"wait.." Siwoo turned his head in my direction.

My heart skipped a beat, I ducked down and slid out from behind the curtain. I felt embarrassed for invading Minjae and Siwoo's privacy but then it was nothing compared to what I could do to keep Miyeon happy and healthy.

My next step was to audition for broadcasting club and fortunately I got selected in it.
However at the last moment Minjae decided to back off and Park Siwoo was assigned as my new partner.

"Hey Siwoo..it looks like you and me are new partners..so hi..I am Kim Hana." I smiled.

"umm..okay..hi." He casually replies and begins walking towards the telephone booth where Minjae was standing.

Minjae had a pager in his hand and he was about to make the call, if I could see his number my task will be almost over.
I quickly run towards the telephone booth and join the line, there were only two students so I could easily see the numbers he was dialing.


I noted down the digits in my notepad as Minjae was dialing them. The last digit was left and after getting his number my work would be almost over but his best friend Siwoo came in between and stood beside him. I missed the last digit, thanks to Siwoo.

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