Hearts Connected

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As I reached the platform, I saw Siwoo standing on the other side, waiting for his train. I quickly took the staircase and reached the other side of the platform.

"Hey," I called out.
He turned to face me, a smile tugged at the corner of his lips.
I ran towards him.
"I... I am sorry." I stammered.
"What for?"  He smiled.
"I didn't show up at the movie and I lied to you...and I was really sad when you told me you were moving abroad." Tears streamed down my face.
He chuckled.
I wiped my tears, " What's so funny?"
"What are you so sorry for? Just tell me what you really feel about me." He smiled.

"I like you.." I whispered.
"What? I couldn't hear you?" 
"I really really like you, Park Siwoo." I shouted.
He took a step forward and hugged me.

The train approached, a bittersweet realization washed over me.
"Just wait for me a little bit..I promise I'll come back for you." his hands gently cupped my face, and he kissed my forehead.
"Travel safely." I smiled.

As he boarded the train, our eyes locked one final time. Siwoo tried to hide his tears but I noticed him crying.


Three days have passed since that day. I was looking at the photos of our school trip on my computer when I suddenly received Siwoo's email. I quickly opened it.

"It's me Siwoo..How are you Hana?
So far living here is pretty fun..I spend alot of time with my brother here."

"I'm happy for you!" I replied back.

"How's everyone? Minjae, Miyeon..your family?"

"They all are good..Don't even get me started about Minjae and Miyeon..you should see these two shy love birds."

"What! they are dating?"

"They haven't confessed yet..but they both like each other..I know it very well."

"Hana..if the world doesn't end on 2000..I'll write you an email before anything else."

"I'll be waiting then!"


It was a cold Saturday afternoon. It snowed the previous night, the town was blanketed by a thick layer of snow. I decided to go shopping with Miyeon.
As we entered the mall, I noticed Minjae there.
"Why didn't you tell me you were coming on a date..I wouldn't have come then.."  I said.
"It's not a date...I didn't even invite him.."
"I just told him about this." She adds.
I sighed.

Minjae approaches us.
"Hi Miyeon...classmate I didn't knew you were also coming."  He says.
"Help me pick a dress for this New Year's eve."   Miyeon says.

We strolled through the aisles, Minjae & Miyeon lost in their own world. I felt like I was third wheeling them.
"Hana how's this one?" Miyeon asks while pointing at a scarf.

"It doesn't suit you."  I replied.
"No..it does..you look cute in it."  Minjae says.
"Really?" Miyeon blushed.
"Yes." Minjae chuckled.
I just smiled observing the love sparking between these two.

We were on our way back to home now.
"So are you guys dating already?" I teased them.
"Yes." Minjae confidently said.
"No."  Miyeon added.
"I'll call you guys the MM couple since both of your names start with M." I giggled.
"Of course." Minjae says.
"Shut up Hana.." I could see Miyeon's cheeks turning red.
I continued teasing both of them for the rest of our journey.


The following days were filled with grueling study sessions and learning as the last semester's exams have already begun.
Alongside the semester exams, the university entrance exams loomed closer. I had to study hard in order to pursue Journalism in SNU.

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