Flaming the Flames

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Siwoo's Pov

I heard the footsteps echoing across the hallway. I quickly grabbed Hana's hand and pulled her away towards a closet.
We hid in the cramped space, Hana leaning against the shelf and I stood in front of her.
She was about to say something but I covered her mouth with my hands as to avoid the teacher.
Moments later, the sound of Ms.Shin's footsteps faded away. I removed my hands from her mouth and she looked into my eyes, she cupped my face with her hands.

"How much did you drink?" I asked her.
"Your eyes are so pretty...and.." Hana said.
"yours lips are also pretty...this isn't good." She added.
"I think I like you.." She whimpers.

I couldn't believe what she just said my heart was pounding with a mix of happiness and tenderness.
Hana rested her head against my chest. I wrapped my arm around her gently and guided her towards her room.

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Hana's pov

I woke up and found my friends getting ready already.
"Hana..get ready quickly..we are going to the beach." Sia said.
"What? The beach?" I groaned.
"Yeah..to pick up the trash..Ms.Shin found out the soju bottles...this is our punishment."
"Take that hangover pill..you'll feel good."
"thank you Sia..I love you." I squealed.
"Say that to Siwoo...he bought it for you this morning."  She smiled.
"How'd he know that I was drunk?" I whispered to myself.

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"You guys have got some nerves...stayed up all night to drink..that too on a school trip." Ms.Shin shouted.
"Pick up the trash..grab a bag and fill it up." She added.

I grabbed a bag and started putting the trash inside it.
"Are you feeling better?" Siwoo asked.
"yeah..thanks for the pill." I replied.
He smiled and nodded.
"but how did you know I was drunk?" I asked him and his smile dropped.

"you..you don't really remember?"
"no..what happened?" I nervously smiled, I had no idea to what he was talking about.
"oh..umm..nothing..forget it.."  He started picking up the garbage again.

I was really tired now and sat down for sometime.
"Hi classmate!" Minjae grinned.
"You scared me!" I gasped.
"Tired already?"
"hmm."  I was looking at Siwoo who was taking pictures of the beach with his camera.
"Oh..so that's how it is." Minjae said.
"You like Siwoo, right?"
"No..i don't."

That wasn't the truth.

"Then why don't you date me?"
"Because I don't like you.."
"Hana..get ready!" Siwoo shouted as he turned his camera towards me.

I stood up and showed the victory sign for the photograph. Minjae walked into the frame as well.
"Move away." I said.
"You move." He scoffed.

Siwoo swiftly adjusted the camera and stepped into the frame, he stood beside me. I was in the center now.
The camera shuttered and it captured the moment.
The bus ride back to home was silent as all the students were extremely tired.

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I gathered all the photos of the trip and put them inside a envelope, I also placed the letter I wrote for Miyeon inside it.

I hope everything's going well there, I am missing you so much and I'm praying for your safe return. I know your surgery is going to be held soon and I won't be there with you at that time but you're going to be fine I know it.
These are some photos of our recent trip you will see them after your surgery.
You can stare at Minjae as much you want!

  Kim Hana "

I went to the courier shop before leaving for school as I wanted the letter and photographs to reach Miyeon as soon as possible.

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I catched the bus on time today and even found an empty seat for myself. I noticed Minjae but I didn't talk to him.

As the bus stopped at another busy intersection, a group of boys from my school got in. They approached me with a slight smirk on their face. I was kinda shocked  since they were the popular kids of our school and had never talked to me before.

"Hey...Hana" One of the boys said, his name was Kyung-soo.
"Hi." I replied back.
"Hana..you are the broadcaster this year..everyone talks about you in the school.."
"I think we should get together..you and me would be the best couples..we have so much in common." He smiled proudly.
"I don't think we have anything in common." I crossed my arms defiantly.
Kyung-soo smirked and said, "Look..Hana you and me will become the most popular in school..and...."

"Hana..why don't you tell him already?" Minjae interrupted Kyung-soo.
"Tell me what?" Kyung-soo asks.
"She's already dating someone."
Minjae pointed at himself and smiled proudly.

"What...you..you should have told me before." Kyung-soo says and moved to the back where his friends were standing.

Minjae sat beside me.
"Why'd you do that?" I looked at him.
"What? wait...do you really like kyung-soo?" he laughs.
"My dear classmate..your ankle is already injured..what if you got into a fight?" He continues.
"Someone advised me to use my fists next time when I get into a fight." I chuckled.
"Sounds like a really wise person." Minjae laughs.

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