Unveiling Feelings

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"Did you see the new Internet café..the guy who works there is super hot." my friend, Sia said.
"Let's go then!" Eun-sa added
"You guys can go..I have some work in the broadcasting club."

Just as we were talking a boy stopped his bike right in front of his, he removed his helmet. He was Minjae.
"Kim Hana..let's go." Minjae said.
"He wants you to go..Yay! Eun-sa squealed and she pushed me forward.
I accepted the ride.


"Hey..we need to take a right from here." I said.
"I don't know how to take a right." Minjae simply replied.
I couldn't believe my ears.
"Make a U-turn!"
"I don't know how to do that either."
"You....stop it right now."
He stopped the bike in the corner of the footpath, I quickly got off.

"How can you drive like that?"
"Sorry..I'm still learning."
"I borrowed it from someone so I could give you a ride." He continues.
"It's my fault..that you got hurt." He sighed.
"So why'd you did it? You didn't want me to get hurt?" He adds and takes a step closer towards me.

I nervously stepped back.
"I was afraid they would beat you up pretty badly."
"Are we going out then?"
"What? No!" I couldn't help but laugh a little.
"I need to go back to broadcasting!" I added.
"Okay." He chuckled.

He tried to start the bike's engine but failed.
"It's..umm..not starting.." He laughs.
"We can maybe take a lift." He nervously smiled.


Someone gave us a lift after waiting for one hour.
"I am starving..let's eat somewhere." Minjae says.

We got out of the car at a restaurant, Minjae said he knew everything about the restaurant.
We walked inside the restaurant, it looked cozy and soft piano music was playing.
"Siwoo...when did you get here?" Minjae asked Siwoo, he was in the waiter's uniform.

"Just a bit ago." Siwoo replied and his smile faded when he noticed me there.
"I'll be right back..have a seat." Minjae said.
"Were you...umm..waiting for us?" I asked Siwoo.
He didn't reply and just stared at me.
"Sorry...the bike.."
He turned his face and walked away from there.

I placed the order for food and it was super delicious.
"You're great..Hana." Minjae said.
"Let's date." He added
I coughed after hearing that.
"Have some of this." He passed me a glass of juice.
"You think that I'm great?" I managed to say.
"Yes." He smiled.

"No..no..you can't think that."
"I shove pizzas in my mouth..I can eat all of this food." I nervously laugh.
"That's great..my dad owns a pizza place..we can go there everytime."
"Oh..umm..I love shopping..I only shop from expensive stores."
"Not a problem."
"My dad says he feels bad for my future boyfriend."
"I am sorry..I better go." I whimpered.


I ran out of the restaurant feeling embarrassed, my ankle was hurting from running so I decided to sit on a bench, the bandage had come loose. I saw Siwoo running towards me, he dropped to his knees in front of me and tied the bandage gently around my ankle.

"I thought you had a crush on Minjae." He said while tieing the bandage.
"No..it's just I'm interested."
"Same thing."
"Interest is totally different..it's not liking."
"What's liking then?" He looked at me now.
"You're all good now...next time use fists when you get in a fight." He smiles.
"Good Night." He said and went back to the restaurant.

I wanted him to stay a bit more longer, I don't know why but it just feels good when I talk to him or even when I get to see his face.


"Miyeon...alot has happened in the past few days..My hearts been acting weird too..I think I.."

Nevermind I think I am thinking way too much about him, I sent the mail to Miyeon but in spam, she never checks her spam mails.

"Hana...you have not talked to me since two days...how are you??"  I received Miyeon's e-mail.

"I am alright..Well..I have a good news for you..I got Minjae's pager number."


"Yes..here it is."  I sent her Minjae's pager number.

"Thank you so much Hana...I'll call him right now..I just want to hear his voice."

"Hmm..I think Minjae is a playboy.."  I erased that.

"I will miss you in the school trip!"   I sent her this instead.

"Oh..yeah..it's tomorrow..I remember..You should go to sleep now..Enjoy your day tomorrow!"

"Get well soon, Miyeon!"  I closed my computer after that and went to sleep.

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