The Truth

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It had been two years since I joined SNU, during the end of this year I decided to join the internship program in Journalism.

The internship was full of interviews & note-taking. I was busy working on my desk when I received a call.
"'s me Minjae."
"Minjae..did you come back to Korea?"
"Miyeon didn't tell me about this.."
"Can we meet Hana?" He sounded anxious.
"Yeah..sure..everything's alright?"
"Can you just come over?"
"Alright..I'll be there after I finish my work."

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After work, I rushed to Minjae's house. His feeble voice on the phone had me confused.
I noticed Miyeon there as well, she looked upset.

"Are you guys okay?" I asked.
"Hana...we..wanted.." Miyeon stuttered.
"Hana...I..I don't know how to say this but.." Minjae said in a trembling voice.
"What? What is it?"
"Siwoo...did he call you?"
"He died two years an accident."

It felt as if the whole world crashed around me. Tears welled up in my eyes, I collapsed onto the floor, it felt like a part of me had been torn away forever.

"I..I...he promised me.."  I snivelled.
Miyeon knelt down and hugged me tightly.
"Hana..I found this at Siwoo's house in New Zealand..this was made two years ago." Minjae took out a crumpled paper & video tape from his bag.
"He hid it from's obvious it was special.."

I wipe away my tears and took the tape & paper from him.
"I am sorry..if this made you uncomfortable Hana..but I felt like I had to give it to you..I am sorry..if.".." Minjae said.
"It's okay...if you hadn't told me I might be angry still..I might have been forever." I tried to smile.
"He truly loved you Hana..the happiest moments in Siwoo's short life was when he was with you."

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I drove back home and searched for my father's old cassette recorder.
I carefully unwrapped the tape and slid it into the video cassette recorder, pressing down the play button.

The first sound I heard was of Siwoo's
" are you..I hope you are not missing me too much." He chuckled.
His laughter echoed in the background with Minjae's singing.
"Say Hi Minjae." Siwoo said.
"I know you liked my voice..I can be a professional singer." Minjae chuckled.

The second scene unfolded, revealing me sleeping soundly at my desk in school. I couldn't help but smile.
As the tape continued, it transitioned into conversations we had in the school cafeteria.
"Stop recording me Siwoo."
"You look cute, Hana."
"Hey..stop it."
The tape was a beautiful montage of love, friendship that I shared with Siwoo.

As the final scene played, I heard his voice, as gentle as a whisper, saying, " are you? New Year's Eve was four hours ago here..I woke up so early to show you this."
He pointed at the vast field behind him.
Standing at the center of the field was a young boy, he was Siwoo's younger brother.
"Say hi to Hana, Se-min."
"Hi Hana." The young boy waved at the camera.
"No you shouldn't call her by her name..she is older than her Ms.Hana."
"You won't go back to Korea for her, will you?"
"Se-min don't worry..I'll come to visit you."
"You're lying!"
"Don't run..wait Se-min."

As the screen faded to black, tears streamed down my face, mingling with the memories engraved in my heart.

A/N: I literally cried while writing this!!

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