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It was New Year's Eve and the whole town was adorned with colorful lights.
I sat down in front of my computer waiting for Siwoo's email. As the clock stuck midnight I received an email from Siwoo.
My heart skipped a beat and I hurriedly opened it,

"The world didn't really end..New Year's Day was four hours ago here...
Welcome to the year 2000."

"Happy New Year, Siwoo."

"How are you?"

"Exam season is exhausting..but don't worry I'll ace them."

"I trust you Hana...If we clear the entrance exam we both can study Journalism at Seoul University."

"Yes..let's work hard."

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I was laying back on my bed, Miyeon was sitting beside me. We were vibing to our favorite songs, when I suddenly heard my cellphone chiming.
Miyeon grabbed my cellphone and her eyes widened as she read the message. She started bouncing up & down on the bed.
"You did did it Kim Hana!" She shouted.
I was really confused now, I grabbed the cellphone from Miyeon's hand and read the message.

"Congratulations on clearing the entrance exam! - SNU"

I couldn't contain my excitement when I read it, all my hard work was worth it.
Miyeon hugged me and said,
"I knew it...Congratulations Hana..I'm so happy for you."  she exclaimed.
"You & Siwoo can study together now..I'm so happy for you guys." She added.
"Yeah...but he hasn't replied to my emails since last one week..the last time we talked was on New Year's Eve." I faintly smiled.

"What?" Miyeon was surprised.
"He must be busy with his family..give him some time Hana.." She held my hand.
"I am just worried that ..."
"Don't think about that...Siwoo loves smile you need you to celebrate.." She pulled my cheeks.
" hurts.."
"Let me call Minjae..let's go party!"
I smiled, she took out her cellphone and dialed Minjae's number.

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Two Months Later

It was my university's inauguration ceremony, the students were so excited and happy roaming in the campus.
As I walked through the crowd, my eyes caught sight of a boy who was teaching the girl how to use a camera. Their interaction  reminded me of Siwoo, who had stopped texting me for the past two months.

Just as I was lost in my memories,I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Eun-sa.
"You're still thinking about that asshole?" She frowned.
"Don't call him that.." I said.
"I have better adjectives...he literally dumped you Hana!"
"Leave never told me you had applied for SNU."
"I wanted to surprise you!"
"What are your majors?"
"Business & Management."

Seeing her there, in the midst of the unknown people lifted my spirits. We made our way towards the main hall where the inauguration ceremony was being held.

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One year has passed since then, I have tried to move on and accept the fact that Siwoo has dumped me but somewhere my inner self isn't ready to accept the reality.

I was walking back to my apartment from my University when I decided to make a call. I entered the payphone booth and rummaged through my bag to find some coins and inserted them into the slot.
I took a deep breath & with trembling fingers, I dialed Siwoo's number.
A million thoughts raced through my mind as the dial tone continued to echo.

No one picked up the call. Tears welled up in my eyes as disappointment and sadness mingled within me. I decided to leave a message, I hit the record button and began to speak.
"It's me case you forgot me Siwoo...I..I really loved you and maybe I still do..but you betrayed me...thousands of unanswered calls and emails...forget about your didn't even care to call me once.."

Tears streamed down my face as I continued speaking, "It's easy to think that you are just dead..I hate you Park Siwoo..I won't give you anymore chances..I have gotten over you your life happily you little bastard."

I hung up the phone and stepped out of the booth.

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