Mending Relationships

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Miyeon's POV

I entered my room, tears streaming down my face.
"Hana has called about five to her.." Mom knocked on the door.
"She sounded upset..did you guys fight?"
"No..I'll talk to her.." I replied.

I sat in front of the computer, I logged in to my email and noticed the "Spam" folder popping up. I opened it. It was filled with random emails from companies promoting their products. I scrolled down and something caught my eye with its subject line:

"Miyeon...alot has happened in the past few days..My hearts been acting weird too..I think I.." 
This email was from Hana. There was another one from her.

"Miyeon...I really think I am going crazy in love..I can't sleep at night..I cry while listening to music..I keep thinking about him..I really really really like Siwoo."

Hana sent them to me as spam because she knows I never open my spam mails. I felt a bit relieved now, at least she tried to tell me but maybe was shy and unsure of her feelings. I was still angry by the fact that she suppressed her feelings for Siwoo just because of me.


Hana's POV

I have been trying to talk to Miyeon since yesterday but she's not picking up my calls. Her mother said she'll call back but she never did that.

I rested my head down on the counter of the store.
"Why do you look so lifeless on a Sunday?" Hamin asked while peeking from the back.
I decided to remain silent.
"Did you fight with Miyeon?"  He spoke again.
"Maybe.."  I replied.
He nodded.
"Hamin...what if she never talks to me again?" I said.
"Isn't she your bestfriend since you were babies?" 
"Talk to her in school tomorrow."
I sighed and nodded.

"Hamin..can I ask you something?" I asked.
"You didn't go through my computer..did you?"  He threw the duster at me.
"No..why would I do that.." I scoffed.
"Then what do you want to ask?"
"What would you do if the person you liked is moving abroad...and you haven't told him about your feelings it's more messed up.."

Hamin started at me intently for a second then said, "Is Siwoo moving abroad?"
"Yes." I quickly replied.
I realized what I just said, "That wasn't about him!"
"You should confess to him Hana.." Hamin said.
"I...don't like him."
"Really?"  He chuckled.
"I am telling you the truth.."
"Trust me..or you will regret this" 
"I approve of this relationship." He showed me a thumbs up and walked out of the store.


The next morning, I reluctantly made my way to school.
As I entered the classroom, I noticed Miyeon standing near the whiteboard. She was staring at me. As I placed my bag on my desk, Miyeon collapsed on the floor, unconscious. Panic surged through my veins like an electric shock.

I carried Miyeon on my back, racing through the corridors, running towards the medical room.
Reaching the top of the stairs, I felt Miyeon's arms wrapped around my shoulders. I stumbled and we both fell down.

"Are you okay? You fainted and..."  I said.
"I am alright..remember my surgery was a success." she giggled.
"Why would you do that? Do you know how scared I was?" I scolded her.
"You were not talking to I had to..."
"'s getting late..Siwoo's leaving need to go and meet him." She adds.
"What? Did you think I will ruin our friendship because of a guy?"
"Now run...Minjae's waiting for you outside.." She adds.
I couldn't help but smile, realizing that I hadn't lost my true friendship.
"Run...hana!" Miyeon pushes me lightly.


I scurried through the corridor towards the school gate, I saw Minjae waiting outside the entrance with his bike.

"My role in this story is decreasing now."  He smirks.
"I hope you know how to take a right or left now." I said.
"Yes..this cupid knows everything."
We both burst into laughter.

I hopped onto the backseat of his bike, Minjae pedaled as we sped down the busy road.


"You can go now." Minjae said, pointing at the railway station.
I dismounted the bike.
"Thank you."  I rushed inside the railway station

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