Fate Reunites

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Some Months Later

As I made my way slowly to home from work, I noticed a familiar figure standing by the side of the road ahead. It was Siwoo, maybe it was just my imagination but he looked real as if he was really present there at the moment.

He raised his hand and gently waved, my breath caught in my throat as a surge of emotions coursed through me. I rubbed my eyes in disbelief.
Could it be possible? Was I just imagining things? Was he really there?

I ran towards him without even thinking & threw myself into his arms, wrapping them tightly around him. Tears streamed down my face.
"Where have you been all this time? I said in a muffled voice.
I couldn't help but unleash my pent-up frustration upon him. I beat at his chest, my fists pounding, demanding answers my questions.

"Do you know how much I missed you? Called you emailed you tried everything just to hear from you? Cried for hours..I longed to hear your voice Siwoo." Tears welled up in my eyes as I held him tightly.

"I missed you too Hana." Siwoo gave me a reassuring smile, a smile that I missed for years.
"I survived the accident." He tried to hide his tears.
"Minjae said...he said you didn't make it."

Siwoo looked into my eyes, "I was badly injured.. a doctor passing by the accident site, immediately came to my rescue...it was a long and difficult process..but you were my reason to keep fighting...I knew I had to make it for you."

"I never stopped loving you Hana and I never will..I'm sorry I just couldn't tell anyone..I lost my phone,documents..I'm sorry.." He continued.
I gently cupped his face, "I'm the happiest person today..I love you Park Siwoo..I really really do."

Drawing him closer, I brought his quivering lips to mine. It was a kiss filled with years of longing, a kiss that sealed our love for eternity. As we pulled away, our eyes met and we shared a knowing smile.

"Does anyone else know that you're here?" I asked him.
"No..you're the first one.." He replied.
"Well get ready..Minjae & Miyeon might not leave you alive..they would be mad at you." I smiled.
"I know but at least you're there."
"Don't count on me..you've made me cry for hours..you should get ready now." I chuckled and took out my phone.
"Hana..no hey wait!" Siwoo grinned.

Miyeon & Minjae were definitely very angry with Siwoo, Minjae in particular but they were quick to hug him after that.
The four friends finally reunited after so long, the memories that the four of us created in highschool still hold a special place in my heart and I can never forget them.

A/N: As promised no traumatic ending but I will miss y'all:(

Epilogue will be published if the book crosses 300 views.

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