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It was Miyeon's wedding today, as her maid of honor, I took my role to heart, ensuring that every element of the day was executed flawlessly.
In the midst of the chaos, I decided to go and check on Miyeon, to see if she was ready.
I noticed her sitting in front of the vanity, fidgeting her fingers. I sighed and walked towards her.
"What happened my highness?" I dusted a light, rosy blush on her cheeks.

"Nothing..I just don't want to mess up anything." She sighed.
"Stop worrying about it...everything will be perfect.." I smiled.
"Are you sure?"
"Of course..you & Minjae are perfect together."

She looked breathtakingly radiant, once she was completely ready.
We held hands, gazing into the mirror. "You're going to be the most stunning bride." I said.
"And you're going to be the most stunning bridesmaid." She chuckled.

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As the ceremony began, I watched the couple exchange vows, with Siwoo standing by my side.
"Don't they look amazing..it feels as if it was yesterday they both were fighting in school on a silly topic." Siwoo chuckled.
"They do...time flies really fast." I smiled.
"Hana..imagine how beautiful you'll look on our wedding day in that white dress."
"Miyeon is crying."
"So is Minjae..no wonder they are soulmates."
"Hana...I just realized something.."
"What is it Siwoo?"
"We should get married soon..our children need to be friends with Minjae & Miyeon's children..just like the four of us."
I could feel my cheeks turning red, I hit Siwoo on the shoulder.

As I watched Miyeon & Minjae exchange heartfelt vows and promises, I couldn't help but feel a sense of joy. Miyeon had been my best friend since childhood, and seeing her so blissfully happy brought me immense joy.

The ceremony continued and in the evening we all moved to the reception hall.
"Can you come at the rooftop?" I glanced at the message flashing on my phone's screen.

I hurriedly made my way to the rooftop and found Siwoo there, leaning on the railing.
"What happened? Are you okay?" I approached him.
He simply nodded.
"Hana..I wanted to tell you something.."
"What? Don't tell me you ate the curry.. I told you it had peas in it..Siwoo you're allergic to it..how many times do I need to tell you?" I said.
He lightly chuckled.
"Was that funny?" I crossed my arms.
"No..I just realized something." He smiled.
"How lucky I am to have you in my life."
"I am serious right now, Siwoo." I glared at him

"Actually Hana, I'm willing to take things even more seriously. I want to spend the rest of my life with you so no more allergic mishaps. Will you, marry me, Hana?"
My heart skipped a beat as Siwoo dropped down on one knee, presenting a small velvet box.

Tears well up in my eyes as I take in the sight of the man I love, on one knee, holding out a ring.
I nodded through tears and managed to say, "Yes..Yes..I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
"I love you Hana." Siwoo wiped away my tears and placed the ring on my finger, I threw my arms around him and hugged him tightly, he pulled me closer and kissed me gently.
"Wait..I forgot something." I pulled away.
Siwoo looked at me confusingly.

I pulled out a small rubber band from my hair and placed it gently onto Siwoo' finger.
"I love you Siwoo... sorry but this is for the time-being." I chuckled.
Siwoo couldn't help but laugh too, he slipped the rubber band onto his finger, smiling at it.
"We should go downstairs now." I said.
Siwoo grabbed my hand and we both walked downstairs.

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In the years that followed, we cultivated a life filled with love, adventure, and creativity. We nurtured our shared passions and continued living our life happily.


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