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One by one, all my classmates presented their bags to Ms.Shin.
It was my turn now, my hands shook as Ms.Shin turned her gaze towards me. I unzipped the bag myself and began rummaging through its contents.

"See..nothing to worry about." I nervously smiled."I will see that." She snatched the bag from my hand

I held my breath, crossed my fingers praying that she doesn't open the last pocket but Ms.Shin took the movie tape out of my bag and stared at me.

"Out of the class, Kim Hana!" she shouted.
"I am sorry...It's not mine...actually..umm.." I felt guilty and embarrassed now.
"Get out of the classroom, now!" She shouted again.


I was standing out of the classroom now with my hands up, holding the movie tape.

"It was just a eyeshadow palette!" The girl standing beside me whispered to her friend.
"Yeah..you bought the whole darn kit." Her friend scoffed
"You're the one to talk."

My arms were aching already, Siwoo slyly walked up to me with a mischievous grin on his face.

"You really bought it, Hana!" He exclaimed.
"Thanks for the movie..anyways." He grabbed the movie tape from my hand.
"Brat." I murmured.
He grinned and walked away.


In the evening I was busy restocking the shelves in my father's convenience store when Siwoo walked in accompanied by Minjae.

"This is my friend Minjae." Siwoo put his arm on Minjae's shoulder.
"Can we get a membership discount?" He adds.
"yeah..yeah..wait.." I quickly ran towards the counter and grabbed a pen and paper.
"here..write your name and your birthdate." I handed him the pen & paper.
"And also mention your pager number..so we can contact you whenever there's a discount available." I added.

Minjae nodded and wrote his details on the paper and handed it to me.

"Do you need something?" Minjae asked Siwoo.
"Yes..you can go..I'll leave after sometime." Siwoo replied.
"Alright." Minjae walked out of the store.
"What do you want?" I asked.
"Is that how you talk to customers, Hana?" He replied.

I sighed and got back to my work.
I was desperately trying to reach a cup-noodle that was kept on the highest shelf.
As I turned around, I saw Siwoo standing in front of me.
"Are you hungry?" He smiled.
"No..I just wanted to look at it." I humorlessly smiled back.
"You're so sarcastic."
"You ask so dumb questions."

He leaned closer and I felt a wave of confusion as I questioned my emotions.

"Here." He handed me the cup-noodle and our hands briefly touched.
"Thanks." I said and quickly went towards the counter.
Siwoo smiled and walked out of the store.

"Don't you need something?" I shouted but he was already gone.


As I entered the soundproof recording studio, I felt nervous because it's my first time recording as a broadcaster. I Adjusted my headphones and began the recording.

"Good morning everyone. I am Kim Hana and I'll be the incharge of the infinite melodies."

"The musimcheon cherry blossom festival starts today. How about we all take a trip to musimcheon to see the flowers after school?"  I continue.

My eyes met Siwoo who was on the other side of the soundproof glass, he showed me a thumbs up and gave me a reassuring smile.
I pushed the slider of the mixing console upwards to increase the sound of the song that was being played in the whole school.

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