Chapter 1, My Boring Life

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Warning:  This is a first draft and my first attempt at a humour story.  Enjoy :)


Chapter 1

‘Go on, do it; just shoot me already’!  She looked at me like I was filth, actually considering whether I was worth the trouble anymore, ‘sweetie please, you’re being irrational, come here and we can talk about this’.  This woman will never succeed to deceive me, I never trusted her and now I know why I never should.  Holding the rifle in her hands, she threatened to kill me but from what I had seen so far, she doesn’t have the courage. 

My extra weight prevented me moving far, my head was beginning to spin; I needed to rest.  Moving to the door, a figure grabbed my shoulders from behind, pinning me in place ‘do what the lady says sweetie’. 

This room was becoming too crowded; I guessed it was now or never.  Using the last ounces of energy I had left, I managed to pull free of this strong man’s grasp at a run moving past him, so close to freedom. 

Voices filled my head along with distant pleas for me to give up.  It was like time just stopped all of sudden, making way for death; my death.  No one chased me those few steps, only fear held me back. 

The sound of a loud bang behind me stopped that freedom ever happening; I was a prisoner forever, here against my will.  Looking up at the hazy ceiling I hoped no one would ever suffer the same fate but I knew I was wrong…………….


They tell me the thing to do when you’re a university student is to party.  Now being a first year, I would normally agree but I don’t do parties.  I walked home every night after class; being one of the unlucky students to have a class so late. 

My plan was to become a pharmacist; well it hasn’t turned out like that so far.  Every day I go to class, I am confronted with yet another warning letter telling me I am behind in my tuition fees.  The lecturer hand delivers the letters these days, since discovering I never check my mail.

If I had my way, I would reverse time and go back to my good old high school years.  Each day presented a routine I had grown used to; life was simple; life was easy. 

· · · ·

Walking away from university, I see a tinted black limousine.  I am greeted by a wealthy looking woman and her body guard; without warning they approach me in seconds. 

Normally when someone of such calibre shows interest in you, the normal thing to do would be to greet them right?  Being from a broken family of two brothers and single father, I guess I learnt different to other people.    

‘Good evening, Miss Maunters, my name is Alice Kingsmen; I was wondering if I could have a few moments of your time’.  The tall, thin lady stands before me in business attire, holding her hand out to greet me.   I recognise her as the head of Kingsmen Corporation.  Her hair is a crimson red, trimmed to perfection just above her shoulders, my eyes hover over her clean appearance before realising she knows my name.

‘I’m sorry, how’d you know my name’, I ask innocently whilst sizing up how fast her bodyguard can run.  Ordinarily respect is the first thing you would think of when coming face to face with wealth, but no I was more interested in high tailing it in the other direction before considering what this woman had to say. 

As if ignoring my question, she clicks her tongue, taking her hand back; obviously unimpressed by my mannerism.  ‘Please come with me, I only ask a moment of your time’; as if giving me no other option, her bodyguard steps to stand next to me slightly putting pressure on my shoulder. 

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