Chapter 39, Drunk on Life, Take Two [Hunter's POV]

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Chapter 39

Hunter’s POV

It was Sunday night; it was only 12 hours and 22 minutes from D-Day.  The full moon was bright in the sky as the television flicked between each channel constantly as a way to pass the time.  Beck’s English was still appalling and her story telling wasn’t much better, especially considering she may burned through a whole carton of Cruisers in the short time Peatry and I had left her alone.

‘Did you know there are approximately 1.8 people die every second; I could die tomorrow and I’d just be another statistic, no one would even remember me’.

Her babbling wasn’t much more intelligent either from the sound of it………

Liam had told her to help herself to a little bit of alcohol to numb the pain in her rib since she refused to go a hospital to get checked over.  Not that I was surprised but instead of just numbing the pain, Beck decided to numb her brain as well, scoffing six bottles of 1.4 standard drinks of alcohol in less than two hours.    

Here she was, sitting on the lounge; probably too dizzy to walk knowing her as she fiddled with the remote almost unable to even hit the button to change the channel.

Peatry and I sat opposite her, since she had decided to occupy the single chair with the pull out feet rest for her intoxication run.  Peatry was barely even bothered by her lack of awareness, reading his paper like the calm and collected doctor he had always been.

There was one positive about this though, being drunk, high and clueless made Beck a very truthful person and I was sure some interesting things were going to fall from that mouth of hers.

‘It’s getting so hot in here, are you hot; maybe if I just peel of another layer…………’

Cracking up laughing, I gestured with my hand for Beck to proceed; dinner and a show, what kind of guy could complain, it wasn’t like I hadn’t seen Beck half naked as it was. 

It wasn’t until now Peatry chose to butt in, taking in the most demanding voice I had ever heard him speak; ‘don’t even think about it Beck, take it to your room if you wanna play dress ups’.

Beck was now pouting, looking at Peatry as if what he said really mattered.  ‘Oh but Peatry, be a little more fun, we could play doctors and nurses like you said’!

Cracking up laughing, I saw as the corner of Peatry’s eye gave me an evils tare that told me to shut up.  Elbowing Peatry, I kept my voice low I case there was some chance that Beck would make sense of what I was asking. 

‘Ask her anything Liam, trust me, she’ll tell you what you want to know’.

Peatry put down his paper, rising from the couch as he took a hold of his coffee mug and walked over to the sink.  ‘I’m guessing this isn’t your first run in with this, you drug her up for fun or did she drink herself silly like now’?

A little ashamed of the way Beck was treated, there was no shame in admitting what I did was there?

‘Beck may have briefly got away and ah, being the clumsy person she is, we had to give her antibiotics to help her heal.  And let’s just say………Steve and I may have got the dosage wrong………’

 Peatry burst out laughing, almost spitting the remainder of his coffee filled mouth all over his clean floor.  ‘Gee I miss out on a lot since I left, hey Hunter’?

Missing out was an understatement so much happened at my mother’s business, it was hard to keep up.  ‘I asked her to marry me today’.

Peatry dropped his cup, as I watched it crumble into multiple pieces, spreading out across the floor.

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